Wednesday, August 17, 2011

iPad 2

We broke down lastnight and bought an iPad 2. This is how the decision process went. Mind you, we have been talking about getting one for a long time so it wasn't too random.
Mr. Hunt and I's new favorite show is Dexter. A few months ago we watched all four seasons in about two weeks, it was pretty awful how much time we spent in front of the tv, but the show is that good. Once we finished, we then had to wait for Dexter season 5 to come out on DVD. Well it finally came out yesterday. I called all the blockbusters I could but all were already checked out. Mr. Hunt searched everywhere and we finally came to the conclusion that if we had an iPad, we could order it on iTunes and stream it through the tv! Perfect!
Mr. Hunt also needs it for work. Remember me telling you how bad our laptop was? I can't wait to get rid of it but I won't do that until we get another laptop. The laptop now is so slow and small!
After we finally got home from buying it and Mr. Hunt downloading everything and getting things set up, it was 10pm. That is our bedtime. No Dexter! Haha!
I didn't even get to play with it or look at it! Now Mr. Hunt is off to Oklahoma for business for the rest of the week and of course he brought it with him. Now I won't get to use it until he gets back on Saturday. I should have known.
I'm over it already, it's just a big iPhone which we both have already. I'm just excited that I can use that when I need something bigger than this phone and it will be fast ad not super slow like the laptop!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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