Saturday, November 12, 2011

Haunted House a Little on the Late Side

Remember the chocolate haunted house (gingerbread house for Halloween) that Mr. Hunt bought me for my birthday? Well we just got around to decorating it the other night.

We didn't have much planned so we decided to build it after dinner. We had fun together even though we were a little late since Halloween haws awhile ago.
I thought that the icing looked really yummy so I decided to taste it. Little did I know that Mr. Hunt was taking a picture at the exact time. He did a great job of documenting the moment when I realized it didn't taste as good as it looked. Then, with my tongue out, not wanting to taste it anymore and asking Mr. Hunt to get me a napkin, he kept taking pictures!

Putting it together was actually really hard. It was sliding around and falling apart. This is what we were striving for. The box had a great picture on it and I'm not really sure how anyone would be able to copy this. Its kind of unfair to put this picture on the box because it just makes our finished product look pitiful! I am trying o be craft and all, but this was impossible for me.

And here is our final product! Please don't laugh too hard. We really were just having I would like to see you try to copy what was on that box!

I was in charge of the front so I made this walk way and the pumpkin patch. The molding work you see on the front was actually not meant to be decoration. The roof was falling apart and so in a desperate attempt to keep it alive, I had to smear the icing (I mean molding) on the roof. Looks like decoration though so it turned out.

Shoot! During the photo shoot of the finished product, the right side of the roof slid off and crashed on the ground. We just left it off and didn't bother trying to put it back on. The people who live here just have a nice sun roof now.

Mr. Hunt was in charge of the backyard. All he made was a little man and he was so proud of it! Oh and also a little light fixture looking thing in the middle of the back of the house. I just laugh! Just like I laugh at everything he does.

The most important thing is that we had a great time. Bonding, laughing, and spending time with each other no matter what it is we are doing is always fun and healthy.

New Home Builder

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