Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Day in the Hotel

Originally written February 8th

You see where I wrote "originally written" on all these posts since I really did write them awhile ago? Well, did you notice they were all on the eighth? Well that's because I spent the WHOLE DAY in the hotel room. Not my ideal day in the new city that I will live in, but I didn't have a choice.
The original plan was for me to come and have the rental car today so that I could go look for houses. But Mr. Hunt ended up needing the car for an appointment and we already found a house, so here I am.
Mr. Hunt left around 7am to head to his office (5 minutes away from hotel) for a meeting. Once the meeting was over he brought me some snacks so that I wouldn't starve all day since I wouldn't be able to go get something for lunch. He knows me too well because he brought cheese its, salt and vinegar chips, and cookies. Yeah, not healthy. Then he had to head to San Antonio for a meeting and is still not back (its 5:30pm)
What did I do all day?
Well I tried to sleep in, but for some reason couldn't.
I went to the lobby to get coffee and a muffin
I hung out with Mr. Hunt for 10 minutes when he brought me my snacks
Mr. Hunt left and I surfed the Internet and watched TV
I took a nap
I took a shower and ate some snacks
I met with the realtor lady about the house and she talked for a long long time
Now I'm updating the blog

This is what the room looks like

Looks like a slob and a very lazy person was here....

I really hope Mr. Hunt gets here soon, these snacks aren't cutting it anymore.

Lazy child

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