Friday, April 8, 2011

Very Bad Day

So yesterday a very bad day for me. It was one of those days that just started wrong. I always do my makeup on the car on the way to work (mom, I know you don't like this, but i already told you once that I do it at the stop light). Yesterday, as I was putting on my makeup, I looked down to get more powder and my nose just started gushing blood (ewww I know. Sorry). I was so shocked and by this time, the light was green and I was trying to turn while looking for napkins. I couldn't find any napkins but I remembered that I had some black dance pants in the back, so I grabbed those and held it to my nose while trying to drive. By this time, there was blood everywhere. My makeup, me, the steering wheel, the car door, my cell phone, everywhere. I was so upset. Good thing (somehow) it didn't get on my clothes. Once I got to work the only thing I had in my car were car wipes and hand sanitizer. I sanitized my hands and face so that the blood would come off as best as I could and I wiped the car with the car wipes. A little later in the morning after I got my coffee, I headed to the restroom. While washing my hands I noticed a whole in my shirt! Where did this come from! good thing I had a cardigan to cover up for the rest of the day, but I was so self conscious, and sad because I liked that shirt. The day went on and I got up from my desk again. I felt like my right pant leg was rubbing on my foot weird. I looked down to realize that the whole hem came out of the bottom of this pant leg! I was a mess. You would have thought I got dressed in the dark! To top it off, I was having a bad hair day too. Towards the end of the day (after trying to forget the earlier part of the day, and my horrible wardrobe) things got a little better. Nope, I had two more nose bleeds last night to top the day off! One at 11:30pm and one at 3:30am. Needless to say, Mr. Hunt and I didn't get much sleep. P.S. I am happy to report that my day was a little better today, minus feeling nauseous from swallowing so much blood.

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