Thursday, January 10, 2013

Jane is Here!

Jane Audrey was born on Wednesday, December 19th 2012 at 2:23am. She weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces and was 19 inches long. The first few days honestly felt like one long day, but Mr. Hunt and I are so in love and already love being parents. Its going to be a crazy ride, but we are ready for it.

I had my regular weekly doctor appointment on Tuesday the 18th at 2:40pm. I of course wasn't feeling well, but that wasn't anything different from the past week when they thought I had pre eclampsia and then told me I didn't. I left the house in a hurry, the house was a mess, I had only eaten a few bites of mac and cheese and left the rest in the microwave, and I had NO CLUE what was to come. When I got there I was told that my doctor was backed up and the wait was about 30 minutes. I was SO tired and then got pretty hungry so I ate a granola bar I found in my purse while I waited. 
When I finally got called back, my nurse looked at me, looked down at my legs and feet, and said "Oh no, we need to get this baby out." "If it were up to me...." I looked at her and said "If it were up to me....." she knew I wanted this baby along time ago. 
As always I peed in the cup and brought it back in the room. Once again, there was protein in my urine and I had high blood pressure. At this point I was convinced that something was definitely wrong with my blood pressure. One minute its up, one minute its down. Never consistent. The news of all this didn't phase me this time since I was just told a few days earlier that I didn't have pre eclampsia, but my nurse seemed worried since my legs and feet had gotten HUGE!
This picture was a few days before I went to the doctor and if you can believe it, my feet and legs were alot bigger than this.

Once my doctor finally came in, she started looking at the paper work that the nurse left for her. She asked about my headaches which she always did and I told her that they were still there most days. Then she proceeded to tell me that I didn't have pre eclampsia according to my blood work. Then she looked over at the pee test and said "hmmmm" Then she asked if I ever got the results back from the 24 hour pee test and I told her that I assumed it was fine since they called and said I didn't have pre eclampsia. Then she said that the results werent in her file so she had to go check with the lab people. She came back in and said that my protein WAS high from the test and that they should have told her that, but they didn't. Then she said "well since your blood work was fine and your blood pressure is...." then she looked at what the nurse wrote down that my blood pressure was....140/88. "WOW" she said. We need to get this baby out! Then I proceeded to tell her about my visit to the hospital the night before and I thought that my blood pressure was just acting up. Sometimes it was up and sometimes it was down. Then she decided to take it herself since I had been just sitting there waiting on her for awhile. It was 160/90 that time. That's when she said "You need to go over to labor and delivery." As much as I wanted this baby, I was scared. Mr. Hunt had called me earlier that day to tell me that he had to go to San Antonio but that he would keep his phone on and that if I was going to have the baby for any reason to call him. If there wasn't an emergency, just text him. I laughed and told him that I didn't think the baby was going to come, but thanks for being ready. I was WRONG! I called him right away and just told him to hurry back. 
I then asked my doctor if I could run home to get a few things since I only live 10 minutes away. Obviously since I had been in this state (protein in urine and high blood pressure) for awhile, I didn't see what 10 more minutes was going to do, but she said "NO, you need to go over there right now"
As I walked over there by myself, I started to panic. The ONE day that I left the house a HUGE mess was of course the day that I was going to have this baby. I made it a point to clean the house and pick up every day just in case, but time got away from me that day. I also started to get sad that I didn't say goodbye to the fur babies. I always pictured myself being able to tell them one last bye and play with them one last time as only children. Pathetic? I really don't care.
Once I got up to labor and delivery though I had no more time to worry. They started everything right away. Asking a MILLION questions and hooking me up to a MILLION machines. All I really could think about was what to tell Mr. Hunt to bring and when he was going to get there. 
I started out in a little room since they were busy that day and didn't have a labor and delivery room available yet. I just sat there most of the time and talked with the nurse who was running around me and getting everything ready for inducing. 
When I finally got to a labor and delivery room, I watched TV for awhile and met my new nurse who was going to be there overnight. I was put on an IV and the Pitocin (induces labor) around 4pm. I was already at 2cm when I checked into the hospital, and was just told to sit there and the doctor would come in periodically to check how far along I was. Around 6pm the doctor came in to check me and she told me that I was a tight 3cm and she wanted to break my water. I politely asked her if I could wait for my husband to get here to do all that, and she said yes. Looking back now, that was a blessing in disguise and you'll see why in a minute. 
Mr. Hunt finally made it to the hospital around 7pm and almost right away the anesthesiologist came in to give me my epidural. I told them that I wanted it as soon as possible but I was still surprised that he came so soon. I was definitely feeling contractions but nothing too much. Mr. Hunt got to sit in front of me and I squeezed his hand. The epidural wasn't as bad as anyone ever told me. It was like any other shot Ive gotten. Once I laid back down, the doctor came to check me again and I was still 3cm, so she then broke my water. I swear my body and Jane must have known that Mr. Hunt wasn't there in the beginning because I didn't dilate at all until he showed up. Then I dilated SUPER FAST. 
The breaking of the water is supposed to bring on more intense contractions which is why I said it was a blessing in disguise that I asked to wait for Mr. Hunt. If the doctor would have broke it when she originally wanted then I wouldn't have had the epidural and the contractions probably would have gotten pretty bad.

The red number is Jane's heartbeat and the black number is my contractions.

The bottom line is my contractions and the top one is Jane's heartbeat.

I look thrilled....

We watched Full House! Mr. Hunt made a joke while I was getting my epidural saying that he never would have guessed when he was younger and watched Full House that one day he would be holding his wife's hand while she got her epidural with the Full House theme song in the background. I tired not to laugh because if the epidural guy missed even a little from me jiggling while laughing, I could have been paralyzed. Mr. Hunt didn't know this.

Future #1 Daddy!

My legs started to go numb and I wasn't feeling anymore contractions. By this time, I told Mr. Hunt that we should probably get some rest, so Mr. Hunt took out the pull out couch and got comfortable. Just when I started to try to take a nap, I started to feel a lot of pressure. It was really uncomfortable. The anesthesiologist told me that I wouldn't feel the contractions but there wasn't really anything he could do if I ever felt pressure, so I just dealt with it but knew there was NO WAY I was going to get any rest with this happening every two minutes. After awhile the pressure got worse and then I started to feel the contractions. I also noticed that my legs didn't feel as numb as before, but thought that I was just making it up. I didn't want to wake up Mr. Hunt because to be honest, the only way I could get through the contractions was to hold tight to the side of the bed, close my eyes tight, picture the baby, and breathe really deeply. Mr. Hunt did finally wake up after hearing me breathing super loud. I told him what was going on and he came over to coach me through the contractions. The contraction machine (shown above) shows the contractions and how strong they are getting by the number. The number goes up and down just like the contractions so Mr. Hunt knew exactly when I was having them and how strong they were. He would say "Ok, here comes one. Oh this one is big. BREATHE BREATHE! Its starting to go down. Its going down fast" Stuff like that. It really did help. Then I had about 2 minutes of nothing before we did it again. 
Once the nurse came in, I told her that I could feel contractions and that I think I needed the epidural to be stronger. She showed me a button to push when I needed more epidural. She said to push it once right then and then once again in 10 minutes if it didn't do anything. Then she would be back in 30 minutes to check on me. Sure enough the button thing didn't work. She called the anesthesiologist and he put another drug into the IV to see if that would work. He left for 30 more minutes and came back in to check on me. I told him that it maybe worked a little but I couldn't tell too much. By the way, this WHOLE time, I was having contractions every 2 minutes, it was AWFUL! He then said that if it was to work I would be totally numb, so he thought that it definitely didn't work and that he had to redo the epidural. 
So, I sat back up and he took the old one out, and put a new one in. I honestly didn't care, just as long as it was going to work this time. Later, Mr. Hunt told me that he googled why it wasn't working and he read that if the epidural worked for 20 minutes and then didn't work, it was put in wrong. He didn't want to tell me this though, so he kept it to himself. Good thinking because I probably would have freaked out at the guy. 
After the second one was put in it started working again, my doctor checked me again and I was at 6cm. So the contractions I was feeling was between 3-6cm which just further confirms that I will never be able to have a baby naturally. God bless the woman that do. Those things HURT! My doctor mentioned that it looked like I was progressing about one cm every hour so she thought that I would start pushing in a few hours and that she would be back to check me later. It was midnight at this point and once again, Mr. Hunt laid down and I started to try to take a nap also.

See Mr. Hunt's "bed" He said it wasn't too comfy poor guy.

Holy puffiness.

Not even 10 minutes later I started feeling pressure again. I started to get really mad and scared. I was scared that the epidural wasn't working again and that I was going to have to do this naturally. Again, I didn't want to wake up Mr. Hunt so I just sat there and tried my hardest to concentrate on the TV instead. At around 12:30am, my body literally started pushing on its own. I couldn't feel any contractions, it was just REALLY INTENSE pressure. I couldn't stand it. I was literally holding back my body as much as I could from pushing. From research I thought that this is what happens when you are 10 cms and ready to push the baby out, but I thought there was no way since only 30 minutes before I was only 6cm dilated. I didn't want to look like a fool to the nurse or doctor and ask them to come back in to check me only 30 minutes later, so I just dealt with it for 30 more minutes when my nurse FINALLY came in to check on me. 
I told her that with every contraction, my body was pushing on its own. I couldn't help it. I didn't know what to do. She said that since it had only been one hour since the doctor checked me that she didn't want to call her in again and that she would just check me. She checked me and looked very surprised "You are 10 cm and the baby is really low down. You are ready to push" I laughed and said "I was ready to push 30 minutes ago and have been pushing without even trying" I yelled over to Mr. Hunt to wake up and text everyone that I was ready to push.
With the VERY next contraction, she had me hold my knees and push! It was crazy. This is what I was always waiting for, to have a baby and it was finally happening. After a few initial pushes I asked the nurse about how long does it take to push a baby out. I obviously know that it varies from birth to birth, but I just wanted to know an average. She said that for first time moms, it usually takes 2 hours. I was mortified. Then I got into the zone. I was determined to get her out before that.
This whole next part was a blur. I had to lay on my left side and push which was kind of hard because Jane's heart rate was lowering with every contraction. Then I had to wear an oxygen mask the rest of the time. All I remember was being SO HUNGRY! Everyone always told me that you are so in the zone while giving birth that it doesn't matter if you havent eaten in 24 hours, but not me. That's all I could think about. I also tuned the nurse out. I don't remember ever talking to her or really listening to her, but I know I did because she would tell me how good I was doing. Mr. Hunt was sitting right next to my right ear and would coach me through each time I pushed. I do remember everything he said. I also didn't open my eyes the entire time. I also kept thinking about things that I wanted to say but for some reason I never said it. I was just quiet. I wanted to ask Mr. Hunt to scratch my arm and never did for some reason, but that's what I thought about alot. I know that I asked for water and he would put the straw in my mouth.
Finally at one point the nurse asked if I was doing ok. I don't really remember this, but Mr. Hunt thinks that this is hilarious. I told her NO! When she started to be concerned and asked what was wrong. I said "I'M HUNGRY!" That was the only thing I had said the whole time I was pushing. It was true though. I felt like I could hardly push because of the hunger pains.
I knew that I couldn't eat and the only way I was going to get something to eat was to get her out, so I kept going. At one point the nurse asked Mr. Hunt if he wanted to see her head coming out and that she had dark hair. I was shocked! Dark hair wasn't something that I was expecting at all. Mr. Hunt looked....but I don't remember what his reaction was. She also asked me if I wanted to feel her. I reached down and touched her head, but again, I don't really remember what it was like.
After a few more pushes, a whole bunch of people started rushing into the room.  I remember looking up and seeing so many people. One was the doctor so I knew she was coming soon. The others were the baby doctor's.
I honestly don't really know how the rest went down. The next thing I knew, Jane was placed on my chest and I was so amazed. Mr. Hunt said that I kept saying "" They had to take her over to the warmer because she was too cold. They went ahead and cleaned her off over there while they stitched me up (which by the way, I wasn't numb enough for the stitches and they were SO painful that they had to give me more shots). I just kept looking over at Jane to keep my mind off of it. Mr. Hunt stayed over there with Jane the entire time and took pictures of her. She also didn't cry the entire time she was over there. I kept asking if she was ok because I always thought babies cried when they came out.

She looks like she is smiling here....

She is getting weighed. She isn't screaming...shes yawning. Must have been hard work to come out.

I'm sad because I really wanted her to just be placed on my chest and for me to do skin to skin with her, but of course I want the best for her too and since she was too cold, she needed to be warmed up. It took longer than the doctor's thought to get her warm and they eventually wrapped her in pre-warmed blankets and brought her over to me even before she was warm enough. My body temperature warmed her up good though.

First family photo. Too bad I look awful!

Since this post is SUPER long, Ill be back with the rest of the hospital stay in the next post. We are just so excited that she is FINALLY here and that I had a very good birth experience.

Jane's Mom

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