Thursday, December 5, 2013

Best News in Awhile!

Early last week I got a phone call from a close friend with the BEST NEWS in a long long time for me. 

After discussing a few things with her, We've come to the conclusion that a lot of people that read this little blog of mine, are people that first were reading her blog. With that said, most of you probably already know this news......

My GREAT friend Kelly and her hubby Brad and EXPECTING!!!!!

Like I said, most of you probably already know this and you probably already know then too that they didn't have the best time trying to get pregnant. Go over to her blog to check out their story. The reason why this news had me in tears is because.....

One: I'm just so incredibly excited for them, they deserve this and will be amazing parents. 
Two: Because this was a true testament for me that prayers WORK and the LORD IS GOOD!

Yes, God has answered many prayers for me in my life, many that I can recall and many that I may have never even recognized, but this one was different for me. 

You see, this was a prayer for someone else. Someone else that was confused, hurt, scared, and felt like they were doing everything with no answers. I prayed EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. for the Maxwell's. I never ever forgot. I prayed that God would bless them with a baby in His time and when He thought was right. I also prayed that He would give peace and patients to both Kelly and Brad. The weirdest part is that the night before Kelly called me with the news, I prayed that I would be able to get in touch with her and get an update on how everything was going. I didn't know she was pregnant (obviously) and the reason for the prayer was because I was afraid of the bad news and not knowing what to say. I prayed he would give me the words that He wanted her to hear. 

The very next day, I got a text from her saying that she wanted to "catch up." I knew right then that she was pregnant. I'm not sure why, but I just did. Now that I think about it, I think Kelly knew when I was calling her about my pregnancy as well. 

Anyway, I'm just so happy, relieved, overjoyed, overwhelmed, and all other words that are good at how clearly God answered this prayer of mine. Well, not just my prayer. Kelly had many many people praying for her. 

This was His timing, His idea, and His doing. Children truly are a miracle from Him and I CANNOT wait to meet him or her (Kelly's convinced its a boy) soon. 

Love you Kelly!


Carol said...

I agree, great news! I prayed for her every night too! :)

Kelly said...

This post means so much to me. I'm in tears. Thank-you sweet friend!

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