Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mystery Blob

Both Hannah and River love to eat Mr. Hunt's business socks. They must love the smell or something, whether clean or dirty, if they see them, they will want them. Usually they just play keep away with each other and don't ever really eat the sock though.
Hannah on the other hand loves to eat my underwear. I know this is gross..but its a good story...I promise. When I say eat, I mean eat. I will find my underwear in the middle of the floor with chunks missing from them and I have to throw them away. Mr. Hunt and I know that this happens to both my underwear and his socks, so we make sure we keep them away from them as much as possible. When I do laundry, I even put all the underwear and socks on the very bottom of the dirty or clean clothes piles. If I don't pay attention Hannah and River will dig their heads down to the bottom for what they want. I have caught them both with their whole heads in the clothes pile, when I yell at them, they come out with something in their mouth.
Anyway, when Hannah eats my underwear, she can never keep it down, she will always throw it up. I will see little patterns and colors and know that it was a piece of my underwear.
So, yesterday afternoon when I returned home from work, I let the dogs out of their crates, not before noticing a blob of throw up in Hannah crate. It looked to me like she ate some of her blanket that is in her crate and she threw it up. I left it there so I could let the dogs outside and then totally forgot about it until this morning.
When I was putting the dogs back in their crates for the day, I saw it again, and remembered that I had to take it out before Hannah got it. When I got it out of the crate I looked closer at it to see what it really was. You wont believe this. It was an entire pair of underwear...still intact! No holes or anything! I couldn't believe this. Hannah ate and entire pair of underwear, it went down her stomach a little, then back out, and is still in one piece! I don't ever remember her eating it, but she must have had it in her mouth and them she swallowed it whole.
I cant believe that girl!
Don't worry, I'm not thinking about wearing them ever again, but I certainly could if I wanted to.

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