Monday, February 25, 2013

Hunt Family Sleeping Arrangements

Seriously people, the fur babies are getting worse and worse in the sleeping department. They used to just sleep curled up in one position, but now they sprawl out and take he entire bed. 

Mr. Hunt took this picture one morning when he was headed to work. This is no joke.

River used to sleep in the spot that Hannah is in, but when Jane was in the rocker, Hannah wanted to be right there the entire time since she loves Jane so much. River was so thrown off, but he has recently gained his spot back since Jane has moved to the crib.

One night while I was feeding Jane, I look over and see this....Seriously?

To make things worse, the fur babies don't stay in one position throughout the night like they used to. River is constantly on and off the bed. It wakes me up every time. Its not like a little dog that you wouldn't notice, its 100lbs jumping on and off the bed. If he gets hot or uncomfortable, he has to jump off and then jump right back on like it will change.
Hannah just goes all over the bed. Sometimes she goes under the covers and licks our feet, sometimes she lays like a human, then other times she is curled up on the bottom of the bed. Shes bad though because every time she gets up, she shakes like she is getting out of the water. It shakes the entire bed and wakes me up.
None of this ever bothers Mr. Hunt by the way.
Would I change it, maybe. Some nights I think that I need to get up right then and train them to sleep on the floor, but then I start to feel bad. I know they are just dogs, but that's all they know. Yes, its our fault for letting them up there since day one, but they think its their bed just as much as its ours. They go in there in the middle of the day for naps too. It would rock their world if all of the sudden they couldn't lay up there with us, and it would probably be worse than getting Jane to sleep in her crib. Id be up ALL night telling them they weren't allowed up.
So, I just wanted to complain on here, then not do anything about it. Typical.
Im thinking maybe once Jane is a few years old they can sleep with her! Haha! We will see.


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