Monday, February 23, 2015

Jane's Bike

Our new neighborhood is FILLED with little kids. We love it! We haven't met many of them, and most of them were just in passing, but I know we will become good friends with some in the future. 

BUT, Jane constantly sees little kids riding their bikes, and every time she would ask for one. It finally got to the point that she would just randomly ask for one, even without seeing another kid on one, so we pulled the trigger. 

We thought about getting her a small tricycle or something where she could learn to pedal, but the price tags on these things are ridiculous. Jane is also tall for her age, so we knew that she would quickly outgrow a smaller tricycle.

Here she is on her new Princess Bike (she calls bicycle) and her Mini Mouse helmet. 

She is just the right size for it, but just as I expected, she has no clue how to pedal. I didn't expect her to automatically know, but she wasn't really getting it even when we were trying to teach her. The good thing is that she doesn't care that we push her, as long as she is going, she is happy. For a VERY independent child, this is a good thing. Also, Im sure learning how to brake will be hard too.

SO, for now, she just rides and we push. BUT we have it for when she starts to get it later on or gets a little older.


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