Thursday, June 21, 2012

First Appointment 8 weeks and 2 days

Originally written May 23, 2012

Mr. Hunt and I finally went to our first pregnancy appointment. When I first found out I was pregnant, I called the doctor right away, but they informed me that they didn't want to see me until I was 8 weeks pregnant. At that point I wasn't even 4 weeks yet, how was I going to be able to wait for more than 4 weeks to see if this baby was OK and even in there?
So for the past 4 weeks, Ive been constantly thinking about whether the baby is OK, if its growing OK, if its even in there (hey, Ive read some crazy things online), or if I was healthy. The 4 weeks flew by (kinda), and then yesterday (the day of the appointment) went SO SLOW. In order for Mr. Hunt to be able to come with me, we had to have the appointment in the afternoon so he could take some time off work. So all day, I was sitting and staring at the clock.
When it was finally time, I had to drink 20oz of water, 20 minutes before the appointment. This was hard. I drank it on the way there, and halfway through it was making me feel sick because I had a bunch of water swishing around in my stomach. I waited until I got to the parking lot and chugged the rest, I didn't want to mess anything up by not drinking it all. In order to see the baby clearest on the ultrasound, I had to have a full bladder. The waves bounce off the water in the bladder to make a better picture.
When they called us in, the lady said "OK, lets do your ultrasound and see the baby." I was so shocked that this was going to be the VERY first thing we did. I guess it makes sense, but Ive been waiting for so long to do this, and the time was finally here! I laid down on the bed thing and Mr. Hunt sat right next to me. They had a flat screen TV in front of us so that we could see what she was looking at on a larger scale. She asked me a few questions to determine how far along I was and she said "So you are 8 weeks and 2 days pregnant today." Then she put the little wand on my stomach and moved it around. Finally I saw a little blob and she said "there's your baby!" It was the best thing ever! It was so cool. She zoomed in a little so that we could see the heart actually beating. It was so cool. Then she turned up the volume so we could hear the heart. It was beating so fast. "167 beats per minute" the lady said. I asked if that was good, and she said it was the best they have seen that day. Phew! For a minute there, I thought that was my heart beating since I knew my heart had to be going pretty fast too. The last laughed at me when I asked and said that the baby's heart is going twice as fast as mine. Then she measured the baby from its head to its feet (or tail right now) to determine if it was growing at the right pace. "Yep, its 8 weeks and 2 days exactly to its size, right on track." I was so relieved! Our baby was healthy! I could finally breath and enjoy some of this pregnancy stuff.

After that was just a normal check up and talk with the doctor and have 12 tubes of blood taken for various tests. Nothing too special or fun.
Now I cannot wait to see the baby again in 3 weeks for our next appointment. It should look more like a baby than just a little bean this next time.

UPDATE: The 12 tubes of blood tests all came back normal. I can't name everything that they tested of because I don't know, but I do know that the baby is healthy and so am I. To me, that's all that matters right now.

Momma to be

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