Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Flights with an 8 Month Old

As much as these flights make me so nervous and anxious, I would do it over and over if it meant we get to see family. We miss them so much. 

The way there was good since Mr. Hunt was with me. One of the best tips I can give is to make your flight during your child's nap time, even if it means its a little bit more money. 

Since Jane sleeps with a noise machine the noise of the plane puts her right to sleep.

Then the landing usually wakes her right up. Look at these silly faces.

We also try to make sure that we have enough time in between flights to feed Jane and change her without feeling rushed. Its alot easier to do all that stuff when we are off the plane. With that said, we don't want there to be too much time in between flights for her to get antsy.

Here we are sitting on the floor after I fed her. I let her play a little bit on a blanket. I also learned that I need to not worry too much about germs since they are everywhere in the airport. I just made sure I wiped her down a few hundred times.

On the second flight, she sat on Mr. Hunt's lap a little bit and played before I put her to sleep again.

She loved looking outside!

Another great thing to use is the boppy. When we are home, this thing is put away in the closet since I'm not breast feeding and we don't use it for anything else, but for flights its a miracle. We just stuff it under the stroller while walking around the airport, but in the plane, we use it as her own little seat in our laps and then a cushion of holding her while she sleeps so our arms don't fall asleep or get tired.

I thought about not bringing it, but it really was a life saver.

The way back was a little more rough since it was just me and Jane. Jane got a sticker from the TSA people since she was a good girl going through security and waved to everyone. 

One last tip I have is to upgrade to the Economy Comfort or Business Class if you can when you are by yourself. Our Delta flights call it Economy Comfort and its basically more leg room and the seats are bigger. I upgraded our first flight for only $19 and it was totally worth it. Not only did I get a bigger seat and NO seats in front of us but first class, but nobody sat next to us either. Jane had her own seat!

Of course I didn't put her there since she would fall right off and she slept on my lap anyway, but it was nice!

The second flight was our longer flight and there wasn't an upgrade available so I was a little worried mainly because she is so long now so when she lays down, her feet are in the seat next to me, but we lucked out once again and there were two little Asian girls that sat next to us and they hardly took up any room. They LOVED Jane an talked to her before we took off. I think they were a little upset when she fell asleep for the remainder of the flight, but they stared at her the whole time.

This flight was rough because there was another little boy right behind us that screamed almost the entire time. Every time he would scream, it would wake Jane up. Thankfully Jane would just lay there with her eyes open until she drifted back to sleep, but I would worried that any minute she would lose it. Of course, I felt so bad for the Mom behind me, I could only imagine how she was feeling.

So all together our flights were good. I just always get so worked up thinking abut being cooped up in a plane for hours. I don't like flying to begin with so adding Jane to it makes it a bit worse.

But we do what we have to in order to see those we love.


1 comment:

Carol said...

Oooh what a great idea to use the boppy! Never thought about that!!! Will have to bring it the next time we fly out to see my parents in Oregon. Thanks for the idea!

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