Wednesday, March 11, 2015

31-32 Weeks


Total Weight Gain/Loss?: 24lbs. I was hoping for one pound a week, but it looks like the girl scout cookies had other plans.
Maternity Clothes?: Yeah. Once again, Im so sick of every single piece of maternity clothing I have. I just keep telling myself, 9 more weeks (or less). DONT BUY ANYTHING ELSE!
Stretch Marks?: No
Feeling Sick?: I have a funny feeling the third trimester sickness is starting. I had it a tiny bit with Jane around 34 weeks and on. I have felt nauseous on and off for the past three or four days now. Also, Ive had some REALLY bad headaches. Tensions ones where my head throbs and my neck and shoulders hurt too and are super stiff. Tylenol is the only thing I can take and it doesn't work. Im hoping I can snap out of this and its not going to stick around until Jackson arrives. I have WAY too much to do in the next month or so and when I have these headaches or feel sick, I can't do anything
Best Moment This Week: Having a relaxing weekend with Mr. Hunt and Jane. We didn't do ANYTHING and it felt great! We attempted a movie night in Mommy and Daddy's bed with Jane. Jane has never slept in our bed before, but Mr. Hunt wanted to try. She stayed up for the entire movie (Tangled) but then around 10:30 (her bedtime is usually 8) she was asking to go to her crib, so we took her up to her crib and she fell right to sleep. Girl loves her crib y'all
Food Cravings?: Nothing. BUT Im enjoying my girl scout cookies that finally came in
Gender?: BOY, baby Jackson
Labor Signs?: No. 
Belly Button In or Out?: outie
Wedding Ring On or Off?:  On. At this time in Jane's pregnancy, I took my rings off. They don't seem tight yet so maybe Im not retaining as much water this time around....yet
What I'm Looking Forward To?: There is SO much to do around here for preparing for Jackson. Also, A TON is going on for my brother's wedding. Im just looking forward to all the activities, and hopefully finding clothes for all this
Anything Else?: Just trying to hang in there. It was finally this week that I just can't wait until Im not pregnant anymore. Reality has been with me this whole time knowing how much easier it is with him inside me still and only technically having ONE kid. Ive been nervous this whole time, unlike Jane's pregnancy where I was counting down the weeks from week ONE. BUT, with feeling sick, headaches, and just feeling over this whole pregnancy thing, I just want him here!


Total Weight Gain/Loss?: 25lbs
Maternity Clothes?: Yes. I finally found an outfit for my little brothers rehearsal dinner. I am officially DONE buying maternity clothes. I still don't have much to wear but I refuse to buy anything else for only 8 more weeks or less
Stretch Marks?: Nope, but my skin feels tight and I don't remember that with Jane's pregnancy
Feeling Sick?: Last week I was so worried with a whole bunch of symptoms. Thankfully this week I have been doing much better. Im just feeling pregnant. You know, random symptoms here and there and just feeling HUGE
Best Moment This Week: My mom came for the weekend and we went shopping. It was a fun girls day
Food Cravings?: PICKLES! I cannot seem to get enough. 
Gender?: BOY
Labor Signs?: No
Belly Button In or Out?: outie
Wedding Ring On or Off?:  I finally took them off. I took them off at 31 weeks with Jane. I haven't really been paying attention if they were getting tight or not until yesterday when I tried to take them off and they were STUCK! I took them off, and Im not putting them back on until after he gets here! 
What I'm Looking Forward To?: My little brother's wedding and seeing family in a few weeks
Anything Else?: Sleep is finally starting to get a little rough. Nothing to complain about too much since I know it could be much worse. I just have a hard time rolling over and have to get up to pee which I didn't have to do much of before, thankfully


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