Friday, October 24, 2014

My Sweet Jane

Every once in awhile (or pretty much every day) Jane does something, or says something that just melts my heart. She's the sweetest loving little kid ever.

So last night was no exception and this time I just had to document it. 

Mr. Hunt gives Jane a bath every night and I put her jammies on, read a book, and put her to bed. I know with this new baby coming, we may need to change up our little routine a bit, but Im loving putting her to bed right now. Also, its becoming harder already for me to lift her into her crib, but that's for another post. 

Anyway, so every night after we read, I turn the light off and the noise machine on and I say the prayer. 

"Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
If I shall die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
God bless Mommy Daddy River Hannah and Me
God Bless all my friends and family. 

Jane knows exactly when to say Amen and its the cutest thing. It wont be long before she knows all the words to the prayer. 

Last night she did something a little different that caught me by surprise. Instead of saying "Amen," she said...

"and Mimi?" and I said "yes, and mimi"
Then she said "and Papa?" and I told her yes
"and Nana?" "yes"
"and Pappy?" yes"
"and Gram-daddy?" "yes, Jane...and grandaddy"

You see, I was already melting from her realizing that I name our family members in the prayer and she didn't want to leave out her grandparents. She named each one. BUT when I really could have fell into a puddle was when she said "gram-daddy" which is grandaddy. She has met him a few times quickly, but a few weekends ago, we spent the weekend with him and grandmama and Jane learned to say their names. She had  great time with them. She honestly hasn't mentioned them since then, so I was super shocked when she said gram-daddy in the prayer. Normally I would have thought she would have gone on to say "uncle and aunt" since she is always talking about them around here.

That sweet girl of mine and shocking me everyday with the things she remembers and the love she has for everyone. Grandaddy got a special prayer last night. God bless him. 


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