Saturday, February 22, 2014

My Daughter is So Embarrassed by Me.

I feel like I'm already dealing with a daughter who is so embarrassed of her mommy. Lately, Ill start singing and Jane will shake her head no and make a noise as if she really wants me to stop. haha! 

Then I was trying to get a picture of us to send to Mr. Hunt. She wasn't into it. She wanted to play. 

So in order to get her attention, I asked her for a kiss and this is what I got. I guess this is better than what I normally get. Mr. Hunt gets a million kisses from Jane over and over every time he asks. When I ask I normally get a slap in the face, followed by "uh oh" and another shaking of her head no. I'm telling you, I know she loves me, but sometimes I question this. And yes, we are working on her not slapping. Good thing is she only does it to me and Hannah. She's only hit Mr. Hunt once and never River. It does make it that much sweeter when she does kiss me though. So this turn of the head to avoid the kiss was better than the latter.

Then I asked one more time and got this...

Let just say that after that, I let her get down and do her own thing. Then my feelings were really hurt. Jane will be Jane I guess.

Jane's Mommy

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