Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Being a Mom

I read this article the other day and felt I really wanted to share it on here because as I read it, it brought me peace and happiness about being a mommy. Don't get me wrong, being a Mom is the BEST thing that has ever happened to me, but Im not going to lie, there are some days or even just some hours in the day where I feel like Im being stretched way too thin (and thats only with one kid).

Sombody Needs You 

Of course us as moms know that we are needed, we know that deep down, but its very very easy to forget about it when you are in the midst of a late night crying session or you are so tired and your child is wanting your undivided attention. I'm obviously not going to re-write the entire article, but I 100% agree with everything that it said. It all makes sense.

Some of my favorite parts were when she was talking about how it's a privilege to be the Mommy and be wanted. There are so many woman out there who would love to be in this position. It kind of like the grass is always greener thing. Some women really want a baby and then the ones that have a baby may find themselves wishing they had just one night off.

Also the reminder that one day all of this will be gone. The babies will grow up and leave the house leaving you to do whatever you want again on your own time and most likely wishing they were back in the house with you again. Even as a daughter, there are some days where I wish I was a young daughter again being taken care of by my mom. We all need to remember in those hard moments that this is just a small part of our lives and this too shall pass, but not to wish it away.

When she talked about getting stuff all put together and the snack cup ready, thats when I really shook my head and said "yes" out loud. This is one thing that I don't mind, but I definitely think about every time Im in the midst of doing it. All moms know that trying to get out of the door is A LOT harder than it ever was without kids. There are so many things you have to remember to bring and make sure you have. Its a lot easier to just grab your shoes and purse and leave. Maybe thats why Im still late everywhere I go a year later. One day though, we won't be running around yelling at our husbands asking if they have the jacket or that special book. We will just walk out of the house slowly together and probably wish we were with our kids.

Lastly is that we all need to remember that we are these babies whole world. They don't know anything else. They love us unconditionally and one day when they are teenagers they will probably yell and get mad at us. But for right now, right this moment, they need us because we are all they have. We are what comforts them when they are sad or tired or scared. So instead of looking at it like it a job and a daunting task to continuously go in their room to try to put them back to bed, we can think of it as another moment to hold and love them.

This whole mom thing is very emotional sometimes right?

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