Little things that River does to make us think he is human:
Groans when he is tired and goes to lay down
Sits like a human
Sits like a human on the couch and watches TV
Sleeps like a human
Snores like a human (I know other dogs snore too)
Is calm like most humans and unlike most dogs
Wipes his feet before he comes in side (most of the time)
When he is bored, he wants to eat like humans (he goes in the pantry and tries to open the food)
Would rather be around humans than other dogs most of the time
....And alot more that I just cant think of right now, but I swear there are a ton more.
This past weekend, I was watching TV upstairs while Mr. Hunt was watching football. When I came downstairs I found River sleeping next to Mr. Hunt. His face was smushed against the couch like a human would be when they sleep. It was so funny, I had to take a picture. Plus, Mr. Hunt couldn't see him and if he moved, he would have woke River up.

Also, River likes to cheer the Gamecocks on, just like Mr. Hunt and I. He puts his Gamecock bandanna on and watches every play pretty much, unless he falls asleep (which happens most of the time). Of course, Hannah is off in her own world, and I dont think she has ever noticed the TV before.

I asked Mr. Hunt last night as I was petting Hannah, "What would we do without Hannah and River?" He said, "I don't remember what our lives were like without them, and that is a good thing."

The babies laying on Mr. Hunts lap.
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