Thursday, September 16, 2010


On Tuesday, I was just about to sit down at Panera Bread to eat my delicious lunch I just ordered when I felt something weird in my mouth. When I moved my tongue to see what it was, I realized that there was a huge hole in one of my teeth. Sure enough when I went to the bathroom to look, half of the bottom, left, second to the back tooth had fallen all the way off! I was in shock. I thought that I had good teeth? But my biggest concern right then was how was I going to eat my lunch?

I got through the lunch, barely (good thing I ordered some soup) and went back to work. As I was thinking about what could be wrong with my tooth, I remembered that I had a cavity on that tooth before. Also, whenever I eat something hard and it touched that tooth the wrong way, it would hurt pretty bad. That afternoon I made an appointment (an expensive one) at the dentist so that she could determine what I needed, or what was wrong with it. She said that the cavity got worse and basically decayed the tooth and part of it broke off. I left knowing that I couldn't eat ANYTHING on that side of my mouth. It was pretty hard to do.

Then today I went back for her to put a temporary cap on my tooth, and take an impression of it so that they can get a permanent cap to put on in two weeks. Let me just tell you that I really don't like the dentist. Mainly because they give me the numbing shot, and half the time it doesn't work well enough. The past few times I have gone, I was in pain. Today was a little different, thank God. The shots definitely hurt, but then I didn't have any pain after that. The bad news: Whenever anyone gets a cap put on their tooth, there is a 50-50% chance that they will need a root canal. Yep, not very happy about that, because I know that hurts for sure!

Now I am sitting here with a numb face, bad tasting mouth, a tooth that isn't smooth like the others, and gums that are already starting to feel sore. Oh, and I cant forget that my gums on the other side of my mouth are sore too because I have been having to eat on that side for the past two days. If you cant tell, I am in a pretty bad mood. To top it all off, I thought I could go back to eating whatever now, but no! I cant have bread or meat! Thats all I ever eat is bread and meat! Jeez, I'm thinking this should have happened a little closer to my wedding date because I'm going to lose weight not being able to eat anything for two weeks.

On a lighter note, my Gamecock football boys are ranked # 13 in the nation, I was there to witness the game against Georgia last weekend when we won (more on that later), I am going to a Panthers game this weekend, Mr. Hunt and I just got a new couch for our family room (pictures to come), and my tooth wont hurt forever (I hope)!

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