We drove down Friday night and hung out at the bars for a few hours with some long lost friends that we haven't seen in forever. Alot of them haven't seen us since we got engaged, so that was fun to see everyones reactions! We left pretty early and headed to the hotel to go to bed decently early so that we could have as much energy as we could for the game on Saturday.
Saturday morning we enjoyed a hot breakfast for free at the hotel and headed to the tailgate. It took a little bit to get down there with all the traffic, but we finally parked and headed to see some of our friends.
This was my brother Dylan's first gamecock tailgate, and he was so excited! After Mr. Hunt and I visited with some of our friends, we went to go see him and some of his buddies before we had to head to the stadium.

When we got to the stadium, we knew our seats were going to be pretty high up. We got to the top and showed the lady our tickets. She said, "Oh, you're at the VERY top!" We knew that, but we didn't know until we got there that we were literally at the VERY top. You couldn't get any further than where we were. To top it off, we were in the section with all the Georgia fans. Not acceptable! I have never screamed so hard for the gamecocks before. I wanted all the Georgia people to know that I was a gamecock.

This is a picture of us in our seats....see NOTHING behind us!
Mr. Hunt didn't really scream or make a big scene like I did. He said that because I was a girl and he was a guy. It was ok for me to do that because the men weren't going to try to start something with me, but they may try to start something with him. I could understand that. There were a few plays where Mr. Hunt got just as excited as I was. We still had fun up there.
When we left there, we decided to go see what was going on at Mr. Hunt's fraternity tailgate. It was very strange to go back because instead of knowing EVERYONE like we did back in school, we only knew a handful of people. It was good to catch up with everyone though.

After the first half, Mr. Hunt and I were so thirsty. It would take us 10 minutes to go down to where the drinks were, and the Georgia fans were getting angry because they were losing. They started to say some nasty things, and I was getting pretty angry, so we decided to head back to the tailgates where we could watch the rest of the game with other gamecocks!
After watching us WIN, we went back over to see what my brother was up to. As we turned the corner where his spot was, I saw him standing on the back of his truck, no shirt on, dancing with some strange guy! It was really funny. They were having a blast! The guy was hilarious! I'm glad Dylan had a great time at the tailgate. He was screaming and hollering and enjoying himself very much.

Mr. Hunt and I hadn't eaten since our morning hot breakfast and we were starved. We walked back to the car and headed over to where Mr. Hunt used to work, Danos. I love Danos Pizza. Everytime I go to Columbia now, I absolutely have to get some. We called Katie on our way and she met up with us. It was so good to catch up with her, and talk more about Mr. Hunt and I's wedding.
Mr. Hunt and I had a blast! We were very tired when we returned home. Our feet were so dirty and our legs were weak, but it was worth it. When Mr. Hunt and I were in school, we didn't really walk as much during the tailgate. We walked to the frat tailgate, the stadium, back to the frat tailgate, and home. I guess I didn't realize, but we walked alot, that's why it was ok to eat Danos!

I am very excited to see the rest of the games this season, and we hope to make it back to Columbia for at least one more home game.
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