Mr. Hunt is VERY serious about his job. Most of the time I have to ask him to stop thinking about work when he is at home, but that is just who he is. He is determined to be the best that he can be and more!
He started at Paycom in November of last year. He learned all about payroll and HR very quickly and started selling right away. Summer is a very slow time for selling in general because people are on vacations and it is hard to set up times to meet with people and get the ball rolling. During this slow time, he was getting upset and his numbers were low. I hated it because I hate to see him upset. Now that it is fall (best selling time) he is rolling, and he is happy. Except now he has so much more work to do!
When anyone meets their goal for the month, they get to go out to dinner with the boss (on the company) and anyone else who made quota. This time they let the "wives" come along which was very nice! We went to 131 Main and had a great time. When we were getting ready to leave, Mr. Hunt's boss looked at me and said "Does Chris tell you how well he is doing? Because if he doesn't, Ill tell you that he is doing very well." That was very sweet of him to say, although I already know how well he is doing.
I love to see Mr. Hunt smile!
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