Friday night we stayed home and watched a movie together. We cooked dinner together also. I cooked sausage and cheese stuffed jalapenos, and he cooked chicken and shrimp on the grill. It was very good. I had to de-vein and de-seed 11 jalapenos. My fingers/fingernails we so spicy for two days! It was horrible, even River and Hannah didn't want to lick my fingers! I also bought Mr. Hunt and I some ice cream. I had cheesecake brownie and he had cherry Garcia. I love Ben and Jerry's!
Saturday morning Mr. Hunt woke up at 7:30am and was ready to go for the day. I think it was because college football was on and that's sort of like Christmas to him. Once, the dogs woke him up, he wasn't going back to sleep because he was too excited! He took the dogs on a morning walk since it was so cool outside, and he let me sleep a little longer. Once he got back, he begged me to get up and go to the grocery store with him. He slow cooked ribs on the grill all morning and they were finished just in time for lunch. By the time lunch was over, it felt like it was evening already since we had been up for so long. Mr. Hunt and I didn't leave the house again after the grocery store. The dogs were even in a lazy mood. The four of us napped, ate, and watched college football all day long.

Sunday morning, Mr. Hunt and I woke up again very early. I don't understand why it is harder for both of us to get up for the work day, but we get up at the same time on weekends and it is a piece of cake. Mr. Hunt wanted to slow cook ribs AGAIN. He said he learned from his mistakes the day before, and wanted to try again (even though the ribs the day before we delicious, he thought he could do better). This time, I took the dogs on a VERY LONG walk, while Mr. Hunt went to eh grocery (twice because he got all the way there the first time and realized he didn't have his wallet). While the ribs cooked, we mowed the backyard, picked weeds, vacuumed, and straightened up the house. I vacuumed the whole downstairs and half way up the stairs. I got too tired and quit, so the vacuum is still half way up the stairs right now. I will get to the second half this week. Probably tomorrow. The ribs were delicious again! Then we headed to the pool. We invited some friends over. Carla and Kevin with little Eli who is 10 months old. He loves the water and he is the cutest little boy ever. We also invited over Chris and his two little girls, Chandler who is 9 and Taylor who is 7. We all had a great time. I played with the girls the whole time. Man, they wore me out! Then we all decided to go out to dinner to Fuji (Japanese). I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. The cook and the boys were being silly. When we got home around 8:30, we both showered and went straight to bed. It was such a fun but long day and we didn't rest at all. By that time, we were ready to sleep.
Monday of course, we woke up early again. We headed to the golf course for Mr. Hunt to play for awhile. When we got there it was way to busy so we left. We stopped by target and decided to start our wedding registry (even though we have no parties planned yet). We had fun and laughed alot there too. Then we both bought new pairs of boat shoes and ate lunch at Five Guys. Mr. Hunt wanted to cook on the grill AGAIN, so we bought a Boston butt. Man, we ate alot of pork, and we have ALOT left too. We cooked that and relaxed for the rest of the day.
Good news!! Our pool stays open longer than I thought! Open until September 30th. Come on over whenever you want!
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