The nursery came together so slowly (for a few reasons) that it seemed silly for me to update for each little thing. As much as I was so excited to put together a sweet little girl nursery for Jane, I had NO motivation. After cleaning out the room, painting, and putting the crib and dresser together, I got bored. The big things we finished and I just couldn't find the motivation to do anything in there. Things were just piling up in there and I would find random spurts of energy and go and put everything away.
Now that its done, I'm happy. Its alot more colorful than I pictured it in my mind to be. I originally thought of having the grey walls and then use the colors in the fish painting, but the colors just turned into any bright color I could find. I read somewhere that its good to have bright colors to stimulate the baby's brain. I'm not sure if I really believe all that mess, but since I have alot of colors in there, Ill go with it.
To be 100% honest, the room STILL isn't done and Jane is 2 months old. There were still a few things that I wanted to do in the room, but then we started house hunting and I decided to put all that on the back burner. Heck, Jane just needs the essentials, she isn't effected by a nursery that her Mom feels needs more.
But now that we are definitely moving, I knew I had to blog and take pictures of her sweet nursery that I spent my whole pregnancy planning in my head and putting together, and the room she had for only 2 short months. We can look back and see the room that we brought her home to.
I'm also really excited to decorate a new nursery, although I will be using everything we already have so the room will look similar, but I will finally finish it....just in a different house.
So, without further ado.....Jane's Room
The room is small, but we fit everything that we needed in there. I am still looking for the perfect rug for under her crib. Especially now that her new room wont be carpet. I also had full intentions on making curtains from the same fabric as the crib skirt. Oops! Also, I had three of Jane's newborn pictures printed out and put in frames to put on the wall behind the rocker. Just never got around to hanging them.
Going into the room and looking to the right is her changing table and dresser.
I painted the little wooden basket green and it holds the lotions and other things that I need on hand like hand sanitizer after I change a diaper. (by the way, this nursery tour is probably better now because after she was born, I realized what we really needed where, and you can see it a little lived in)
The iPhone is deactivated but it plays her noise that she sleeps with. We also have her hamper and the diaper genie. The diaper genie doesn't get used alot since we use cloth diapers most of hte time, but from what I can tell, the diaper genie really is great.
Now to look inside the drawers. The top drawer on the left is the diaper drawer. We have both types of cloth diapers and some disposables. There is also wipes and a few changing pad covers since girls too tinkle when you take off their diapers.
The top drawer on the right looks like this. I'm keeping it real people. It looked alot more organized before Jane got here, but it now looks like this. This is all the newborn and 0-3 size clothes. Well, just onsies, pjs, and pants. True outfits are hanging in the closet.
Now that she is growing out of some of the newborn cloths, I also have a basket beside the dresser to throw the too small clothes into until I can put them all away at once.
Right underneath that drawer is a more organized drawer. This is 3-6 and 6-9 month onsies, pjs, and pants. This is what the top drawer used to look like and this drawer will soon resemble the top one I'm sure. Also, once she is wearing these sizes, I will move them to the top drawer for easy access and move 12 month clothes into the bottom drawer.
This drawer is under the diaper drawer and it has a bunch of stuff in it. Her socks, mittens, hair bows, hate, and a few small toys.
Here is the rocker. It is super comfortable and I sit in it alot now that Jane is sleeping in her crib. I feed her there when she wakes up at 5am and I also read her a book there every night before bed.
Right beside it is a basket of books. We don't have many books yet so we might put the books somewhere else once she has too many to fit in the basket.
The little table beside the rocker is an old Ikea table that I painted yellow. I also spray painted the lamp. I use the table for her monitor and also to set a drink down or Jane's bottle.
This isn't much to see, but I wanted to put a few more frames on this blank wall between the door and the closet. The bow is the bow that the nurses hung on our hospital door.

Here is the crib! I made the crib skirt. I'm not sure how long the mesh bumper will stay on. I'm not sure if I like it, and most people say that there shouldn't be a bumper on the crib at all. The little yellow owl is a nightlight.
I made the garland above the crib. Since Jane cannot stand up yet, it isn't a hazard. It is hooked up on the wall and also taped very good, and will not fall into the crib. With that said, I had full intentions on moving it once she can stand even though it is still not within reach, but now that we are moving, I might put it somewhere else.
Beside the crib is just a basket of stuffed animals. She has more in the closet.
Here is the right side of her closet. The clothes are sorted be size. The top shelf is a bunch of miscellaneous stuff. Some stuff is Jane's and some isn't. We just don't have much room in this house.
The plastic drawers have blankets, swaddles, burp cloths, extra pacis, thermometer, and much more. The baskets on the floor have disposable diapers. We've already gone through so many, our stash is dwindling down. On top of the drawers is a yellow piggy bank, some baby jewelry, and a cute white bunny carriage my grandpa gave me.
Here is the right side. Shoes shoes shoes! There is just a bunch of blankets in the trunk on the floor. The Jane banner is a banner our neighbor made for our maternity photo shoot. The baskets are full of stuffed animals and the brown elephant stuff is extra stuff for hte pack and play.
I also wanted to get a big trunk of her toys. There wasn't any room for one in this room, but maybe in the next one. There is also two living areas in the new home, so I'm hoping to make one a "play room" even though she wont be "playing" on her own for awhile, but I can certainly stash her toys in a trunk in there.
So, that's it. Her sweet nursery. I hope you liked it. I do, even though its not finished, but alas, its time to take everything down and pack it up!
1 comment:
Her room is adorable! And I can't wait to see her new one when you move into your new house!
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