Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2 Months

Jane is 2 months old today! She is getting so big. She just outgrew a few of her newborn footed pjs this week. We can squeeze her in them still, but then she can't straighten her legs and the sleeves are too short. Its crazy to see how much she has grown in one month

Alot has happened this past month with her and I have a feeling that each month will be more and more. I try really hard to write everything down so that we don't forget when the month is over, but its even hard to keep up like that.

A few things that happened:

I quit breastfeeding and I'm exclusively pumping. This girl eats so much. She loves food. At the beginning of pumping, she ate about 4oz every feeding. In just a few short weeks, she is now having 6oz every feeding (which is 4 times a day) and 2 more ounces around 5am. I promise I'm not stuffing her full because she cries if we give her anything less.

At 5 and a half weeks she took her first nap in her crib. She slept for 30 minutes (which isn't a whole nap) and then decided she didn't like the crib. After that, she still slept in our room for nights and out in the living room for naps.

She smiles a whole bunch, coos and talks. She likes to copy whatever faces I make at her.

She had her first blow out diaper which is pretty good seeing as we didn't have one for her whole first month. We've had a few since then.

She holds her head up great and loves to look around. She loves tummy time also on her mat. She loves to look up at the birds on her swing mobile and talk to them.
She smiles and is happiest in the mornings and is grumpiest in the evenings (which kinda stinks since that's when Mr. Hunt sees her the most).

She loves bath time now, but hates the drying off and lotion part only because she gets cold.

At 8 weeks old she slept in the crib for the first night and did great! I slept on the blow up mattress in her room.  She has been in the crib at night since then. She puts herself to sleep and sleeps from 10pm-5am. Then she eats a little bottle and goes back to bed until 8am. She will sometimes wake up just to have her paci in her mouth but falls RIGHT back to sleep.

She celebrated her first Valentines Day and made a piece of art for her Daddy.

I'm pretty sure she laughed at me once. It was in the middle of the night so I wasn't sure if it was really a laugh or not, but it made it really hard to put her back to sleep. I wanted to stay up with her and laugh with her.

She had her 2 month check up this morning and it went pretty good. She is healthy and growing good.

Head: 50th percentile
Weight: 25th percentile
Height: 25th percentile

She weighs: 10 pounds 7 ounces

She is 22 inches long

The doctor said she is a little nugget, but she is a girl so its normal to be smaller

Look at this next face. Oh boy!

We are so happy with our little baby. She really is an easy baby. Of course she is our first and we have no prior experience, but from what others say about their babies, she is an angel.

Of course, we would think she was a little angel no matter what.

Dear Jane,

You are getting so big, so fast. We love to see your little personality start to show. You are growing into a little lady already instead of just a sleepy newborn. We love to see you interact with you puppies and get so interested in objects like pictures on the wall and the ceiling fans. Thank you for being such a good baby, you really make our lives 100% better each day. Just looking at you puts us in a good mood no matter whats going on that day. Keep making us smile baby girl. We love you.

Mom and Dad

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