Thursday, November 7, 2013


You guys...I'm exhausted! This stay at home mom thing is getting harder and harder as Jane gets older.

Like I mentioned before she is down to one nap, and that one nap is 2 hours long. That means that I have two hours to myself during the day to get stuff done. I try my hardest to get chores done while she is awake, but certain things like cleaning the bathrooms (chemicals everywhere and Jane knows how to get in the tub on her own) and vacuuming (she is scared of the vacuum so I have to vacuum while she is it doesnt wake her thankfully) I have to do while she is sleeping. She also doesn't go to bed until around 8pm so its a lot of Jane time.

Jane time is great! Don't get me wrong, but Ive mentioned also that she is a wild kid. I'm not just saying this either y'all. Our friends with two kids babysat her once while we went out to dinner and they said they don't remember their kids being so crazy and on the go. Then, twice now the church nursery ladies mentioned how hyper and active she is. So it isn't made up.

She DOES.NOT.SIT.STILL! Mr. Hunt and I have to barricade the living room a lot of the time just to keep her in the same room as us. We have one really long hallway that goes to all the bedrooms and her favorite thing right now is to crawl really fast back and forth while screaming and the top of her lungs. Sometimes she will sit in the middle of the hallway and scream just to hear her voice. I think its because it kind of echoes in there. She also likes that the dogs chase her back and forth as well. She also likes to go into her room and get her lovie and paci out of the crib (she's only allowed to have the paci in the crib or in the car) and throw books everywhere.

She is also a climber. She can climb halfway up the baby gate and can almost tip over it. Like I said, she can get in the tub on her own. She pushes off with her arms and leans her body forward which allows her to fall forward into the tub (Ive caught her mid fall twice now). When we sit on the floor to play with her, all she wants to do it climb on us like we are jungle gyms. She uses the dogs as stepping stools to climb onto the ottoman and couch. Then yesterday she climbed onto my suitcase and stood on top of it.

So needless to say, I can't leave her alone AT ALL, not even to use the restroom. Oh, and the bathroom...oh boy. She LOVES to pull all of the toilet paper off the roll and wants to swim in the toilet water which means the seats need to go down now which we aren't used to yet.

All of these things might sound familiar to other mommies and may even sound normal, but this is ALL OF THE TIME OVER HERE. There is no sitting and playing nicely with the million toys she has. I even try to sit and read her a book and she just turns all the pages for me before Ive finished reading the page, then runs off. Oh, and know how Jane is officially walking? Well she already wants to run. She's tried a few times to run and of course falls flat on her face, which then she just gets right back up and tries again. She's made of rubber.

OK, it kind of sounds like I'm complaining. But I'm not, I'm just REALLY TIRED! This past week has been nuts. She is getting her two top teeth in, daylight savings has kicked our butts, she just learned to walk, and is down to one nap...all at once. I know this time will pass and I will get used to the new schedule, then I will look at this post and laugh.

Thats why I wrote hopefully laugh later, because right now Im going a little crazy.



Unknown said...

Hang in there Jen! I honestly think all toddlers go through that stage at some point. Have you tried to find which things/ objects get her interested or distracted the most? You can try to use those to keep her interested on something for a little while. Good luck!

chrissydoucet said...

I completely understand! I even cried yesterday morning from sheer exhaustion! Avelyn and Jane seriously sound like twins. She.never.stops.moving. And we are down to that one nap as well. What put me over the end was that she still wakes up 4-5x a night and b is working overtime. Anyway, just want u to know I am right there with you! We should rely have a playfate sometime!

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