Monday, March 25, 2013

3 Months Old

Lets get to Jane's 3 month update...shall we?

In the beginning of the month, Jane had a hard time sleeping at night. I think she may have been going through a growth spurt or she was effected by her shots pretty badly. It only lasted about three or four days though thankfully.

As you will see in most of these pictures, she drools a lot!

She watches TV. Of course I don't stick her in front of it all the time, but she definitely knows its there and she'll find it if its on. Even if she is on her play mat and I face her the other way, she will do a back bend to watch it. The first time we saw her watching, she was watching a cooking show.

She falls asleep very well on her own at night. She falls asleep without the paci, but will wake up around 1am or 2am wanting the paci. Once its in, she falls right back to sleep.

We moved into our new home when Jane was 10 weeks old. She was a trooper and she slept through the night on the first night in her new room from 9:45am-8:30am.

In the beginning of the month, she still slept most of her naps either in the car seat for errands or in the swing. She had to have the music playing on the swing in order to sleep. As soon as it was done playing music, she would wake right up until I put it back on...then she was back to sleep again. At the end of the month, I started putting her in her crib to sleep. She sleeps alot better in there and I can get more done while she is sleeping.

For awhile we tried to establish a nap routine and try to keep her awake after for 5pm feeding until it was time for bed. That just made her super cranky and hard to deal with. That didn't last long. Then we decided to just let her sleep whenever she wanted during the day and within a week, she established her own nap routine and have stuck with it from then on. Nap at 10am, 2pm, and 6pm usually without fail. All about an hour to an hour and a half long.

After a few weeks of her sleeping through the night without having to eat in the middle, she decided that she needed to wake up again and eat once in the night. I don't mind though. She wakes up around 4 or 5am and eats 2oz, then falls right back to sleep.

She experienced her first daylight savings and we sprang forward. This caused her eating schedule to be way too late in the morning to start so we slowly changed her eating schedule back an hour.

She smiles so much now and even "talks" which is so awesome. She talks the most when I'm changing her diaper and she smiles the most when I'm swaddling her to go to bed. This makes it very hard to leave her in her room to sleep. I just want to stay right here and smile with her.

When she was 11 weeks old, I decided to stop pumping. Yes, I have alot to update you on and I will talk about this more in a separate post.
Changing over to formula was easy for her, but everything is different. her poop is different, she now spits up, and herburps stink, but I'm so stress free and happy now, and she doesn't seem to mind at all.
The last day that I pumped was March 12, but I still had alot of frozen breast milk for her to have for the transition to formula.

At 12 weeks old, she started to bat at toys with her hands and concentrate really hard on trying to grab things. She only grabs things if you brush the object across her hand, but she is getting there.

Here comes the drool....

She is starting to be more alert when we go out for errands. Before, it was really easy to stick her in the car seat while she was napping and do all my errands. The ride in the car and the noises while we were out were great white noise and she slept perfect. Now, she wants to see everything and doesn't sleep very well. She still sleep great in the car, but as soon as we get out, she is ready to see whats going on. I will have to switch my errand times soon to the time she is supposed to be awake.

She celebrated her first St. Patricks Day. It also happened to be her first day to go to church. She did great at church. She was awake the whole time just playing with some toys in her car seat.

We have the nighttime routine down now. Around 8pm she takes a bath, gets lotioned up and gets her pjs on. Then she eats and cuddles for a little bit. Then we go in her room, read a book, sing a few lullabys, say a prayer, and I put her in her crib. Shes awake when I put her in there, but she falls asleep very soon after.

She has grown out of most of her 0-3month clothes. She still has a few pjs that are 0-3 that fit, and a few select onsies, but everything else is way too small. The 3-6 month clothing is a little big, especially long sleeved things. The sleeves are too long, but I'm sure it wont be long before they all fit perfectly.

I weighed her on her 3 month birthday and she weight 12lbs. I'm not sure how accurate it is though since its just our scale here at home and I weigh her with me. Her next doctor appointment isn't until 4 months so I wont know a accurate weight until then.

Little Baby Jane,

I say almost everyday that it seems like you aren't really a baby anymore. You hold your head up so well and you move your head around to whatever you want to see. You smile and talk all the time and you are sometimes very surprised with yourself when a noise comes out of your mouth. You concentrate so hard on things you want to accomplish. Especially grabbing things. The concentration on your face is so precious and it makes us so happy to see you growing and learning new things every single day. We love you very much and are looking forward to this next month. We have alot going on.

Mommy and Daddy

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