I'm not really sure what put him over the edge this time, Id like to think it was the Duck Dynasty show that we love to watch, but I'm pretty sure he started research before that. I think he finally took the plunge when he decided that he needed/wanted a hobby. Since we moved here to Texas and we've only made a few friends, I'm glad that he is finding something that he loves to do.
The timing could have been a little better since he started going right when Jane was born, but its duck hunting season, so he really couldn't have started earlier or later anyway.
There was alot that he had to buy initially before he could even go hunting for the first time. Of course he bought the very minimum, but that was even alot of stuff. I was crossing my fingers that he would like it so that we didn't waste any money on a bunch of camo stuff that we couldn't use otherwise. I wasn't too worried though since I know that he has always wanted to go hunting for something.
Well, the verdict? He LOVES it. I might even use the word obsessed. He now continues to buy more and more stuff. I'm wondering when he will officially have everything you could need. Our house is turning into a camo store....seriously. I finally had to tell Mr. Hunt that he needs to designate a place in the garage for everything.
One of the good things about duck hunting is that he has to go REALLY early in the morning, like 4am, and then he gets home around 10am or so depending on how far he has to go. Besides him being really tired for the remainder of the day, I still get to see him for pretty much the whole day. Having a tired husband is better than having him gone all day.
I'm not sure how many times hes gone but he's getting better and better and he ABSOLUTELY LOVES it. Every time he gets home from hunting, he cant stop talking abut how much fun he has.

My favorite part is that I get to go skeet shooting. That is how Mr. Hunt practices and I get to tag along. Now that Jane is here though, its hard for me to go, but I did get to go when Mr. Hunt's parents were in town. Mimi watched Jane for a few hours while I shot the gun. Fun times for sure.
The other good thing is that we get to eat duck! yum!
Its delicious and Mr. Hunt likes knowing that he is eating something that he killed himself.
Now that duck season is over after this week, Mr. Hunt has moved on to bow hunting. He has bought a bow and taken and lesson on how to shoot it. What is he planning on shooting? Hogs! Oh boy, this is going to be an adventure.
Hunters Wife
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