Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Baby Hiccups

So, Ive been trying so hard to get Jane moving around in my tummy on video for awhile now, but I'm starting to think she is camera shy. She moves around SO much and you can definitely see it from the outside. Sometimes Ill just be sitting next to Mr. Hunt and she will kick really hard and everything will move so much, that he will see it just from the corner of his eye. But as soon as I get the camera out, ready, and recording, she stops. Its crazy.

So the other day I finally just video taped her with the hiccups. This poor girl gets the hiccups at least 3 times a day. I feel bad, but Ive read that they don't hurt her like they do to adults sometimes. Also, I double checked with the doctor that it was OK that she got them that many times and she said it was fine. Just means she will probably get them alot when shes born too. Oh boy.

So this quick video is mainly the hiccups, but she also moves around a lot when she has them so there are a few kicks and jabs in there too. I'm still going to try to get other stuff on the camera, because sometimes you can even see a whole are or leg just move across my belly. Its crazy.

Oh, and you can see what my belly button looks like. Although it does look alot different when I'm standing up.....it sticks out alot more then.


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