Thursday, November 8, 2012

28 and 30 Week Appointment

Since I'm really far behind, I'm combining my last two doctor appointments in one. Ill catch up here I hope.

Week 28:
This week was the week for the dreaded Glucose Test. Dreaded because Ive heard and read that the "juice" they make you drink tastes nasty! The truth? It wasn't that bad. They gave me an option between orange and lemon lime. Normally I don't like orange flavored thing (not because of my dislike for Clemson, just don't like the flavor), but I had psyched myself up for the orange flavor not knowing there was another option, so I stuck with it. It tasted like flat orange soda with extra sugar and it was thick like syrup.
Honestly, the worst part was that it made me super thirsty and I couldn't eat or drink anything for the whole hour that I had to wait. I'm glad they squeezed in my normal appointment in between the time I had to wait because I ended up only having to wait 30 minutes in the waiting room before they took my blood.
The appointment went well and fast like it always does. She told me that my belly was measuring 28cm which is right on pace. Then she checked on Jane's heartbeat. At 26 weeks, it took her a few tries to find it, but this time, as soon as she put the rod on my stomach....there it was....loud and strong.
The only question I had this time was about my weight gain and belly growth. As you know, Ive been keeping track since about 25 weeks of my weight and how many inches my belly is growing. I do the measurements every Sunday morning. The past 4 weeks, Ive only gained about 2 pounds and my belly has only grown a half an inch. So I asked if that was OK because I know that the baby is supposed to be gaining at least a half a pound every week which doesn't match up. She looked over my info and past weight gain and said I had nothing to worry about. Since Ive gained about 19 pounds since the beginning and she only wants me to gain 35, I'm on track in her book. She said anything over 35 will be extra unnecessary pounds, so here's to hoping I don't gain more than that. Also, since my belly was measuring 28cm, she wasn't worried.

That was all. I had to schedule the next 4 appointments all two weeks apart. I cant believe that we are getting so close. Seems like the time is still going slow, but when I think about her being here, I suddenly start to freak out a little.

UPDATE: I heard back from the office that I don't have gestational diabetes which was why I took the Glucose Test...that's great! Bad news was that I have a low iron count now. I kind of had a feeling this was going to happen. I was anemic in the 7th grade which is VERY low iron which causes low red blood cell count. I read when I first got pregnant that this was a side effect especially if you've had low iron before. So, I just have to take extra iron pills along with my prenatal vitamins. Nothing major.

Week 30:
This appointment was a little different. I got to meet another doctor who may have to deliver Jane if my normal doctor isn't on call. My doctor said that if I go into labor on the weekend or at night, someone else will deliver me. I think she said there were 5 others that could be there.
I had an appointment with my normal doctor, but then I realized that it was scheduled for the exact time that I needed to be dropping Mr. Hunt off at the airport for his quarterly trip to Dallas for work. Yes, I could have made him drive, but I like to drive him while I still can. We already discussed that when Jane gets here, the driving to the airport time might not happen anymore. SO, I called to change my appointment, but my doctor was on vacation. Since I need to see a doctor every two weeks now, I had to schedule one with another doctor.
Anyway, I liked this doctor, but she was VERY different. The one thing that I think I like better than my doctor was that she asked alot of questions. My doctor just asks if I have any questions, and if I don't, then she doesn't really say much. This doctor came in, sat down, and had a whole long conversation with me about a bunch of stuff. I kept giving her short answers because I'm used to my doctor always seeming like shes in a rush, but this lady wanted to chat.
Then the one thing that I didn't like so much about her was that she was so soft and delicate. When it was time to measure me, she touched my belly so lightly. Its hard to explain, but it was like she didn't want to touch me or something. I was measuring perfectly though, so that's good. Then I asked her if she could tell how Jane was laying in there, she tried to touch my belly to see, and then said it was too early to tell. I know that's not right though because my doctor digs her hands all in my belly and can tell every time. Oh well. No big deal. Good news, is if she has to deliver me, Ill be OK with it. She was very nice.

That's about it for this visit. I actually have alot to do before she gets here. I need to take some breastfeeding classes, maybe some birthing classes, find a pediatrician, get a flu shot, take a tour of the hospital, make sure I'm registered at the hospital, and a bunch more. Only 10 more weeks!


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