Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Grandaddy Turns 80 (Hunt Family Reunion)

Grandaddy Hunt turned 80 this year, so the Hunt's had a little party for him, also known as the Hunt Family Reunion. Isn't God's timing great? We got two family reunions (none of which are a yearly tradition), back to back weekends right before we moved. Amen! We were pumped!
Grandaddy's party was on Saturday February 25th, which was also the day we were officially moving. Or should I say, the first day on the road to Texas.
The party started around noon. We wanted to get their early to spend more time with family, but the didn't happen. We had way too much to do to get ready to leave after the party.
We stayed at the party for about 3 hours. We ate barbecue, watched basketball games, caught up with family, and played outside. Family time is always fun, no matter what.
Then around 3pm, we said our goodbyes. It was sad, but I kept asking myself, "why are you sad?" You are just moving. These great relationships will NOT change.

Come back tomorrow because ill share the exciting road trip with y'all.


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