Friday, January 27, 2012

Mouse Friend

Or Rat, or Bunny...who knows, but we have one (or two or three) in our garage! Help!
First of all, our garage is a huge mess. We have tried to keep it Mr. Hunt's "man room," but it also tends to end up being where all the cardboard boxes, trash, and recycling goes too. We have had "clean the garage" on the to do list for about three weeks now, but it will definitely be a whole day project so we can only really tackle it on a weekend, and the weekends have been filing up too fast!
About a week ago, Mr. Hunt was enjoying a cigar in the garage/man room and he called me in there to show me what we thought looked like rodent poo on the couch. So we brushed it off and said to ourselves for the 5th time, "we really need to clean this garage."
More and more days went by and we started to notice more and more poo. Now its pretty much everywhere and I can't seem to understand where all the poo is coming from!

WARNING! Pictures of rodent poo coming up...

And there is a lot more than that...I just figured you get the point right?

So automatically I think that there is a rodent stuck in our garage. I honestly have no idea how he (I'm assuming its one male rodent) got in there because we don't ever leave our garage open, but Ive recently learned that mice and flatten their bodies and squeeze in anywhere. Why our garage? Probably because its dirty and there are a lot of places to hide and its probably a few degrees warmer at night than outside.
So I really wanted to get right to cleaning out the whole garage and hope that I find that little rodent and brush him right out with a broom and be done with it, but Ive been told (by Mr. Hunt) that its not that simple. Apparently if we brush him out with the broom, he will just find his way right back in. I honestly wouldn't mind a mouse or something living in the garage (as long as it is cute and not ugly and scary looking), but the thought of it squeezing in the door and coming inside the house freaks me out, and if he can squeeze into the garage, he will eventually squeeze in the house, so alas, we have to do something.
Mr. Hunt and I drove on over to Home Depot and bought some mouse traps. The thought of killing a innocent little mouse is making me sick even typing about it, but this is the only thing to do, so don't judge me.

Ive never had to use one of these, so this was interesting to learn how they work.

So we set up two traps with some shredded sharp cheddar cheese and set them out in two different spots in the garage.

Now every time I need to go into the garage, I ask Mr. Hunt to check first. I probably would freak out if I walked in and saw a dead mouse in the trap. What do we do with a squished mouse? I guess we will figure it out when the time comes.
Yesterday I walked out into the garage and looked right at the trap and lo and behold, the cheese was GONE! Not just shriveled up or a few missing, it was totally GONE....both of them! No rodent was trapped, so it looks like we have a sneaking thing on our hands.
So Ill keep you updated. We aren't sure if we want to put more food out onto them since we have to clean the garage tomorrow. Hopefully nothing will pop out at me while cleaning the garage or I may freak out. It should keep the whole "garage cleaning" project an interesting one for sure.

Rodent Hunter

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