We have been very busy the past few weeks. The wedding is coming up so fast and the weeks are going by faster.
Last weekend, all we did was celebrate! My parents and brother Davis came in town on Friday night, and Mr. Hunt went to the Phish concert. My dad wast feeling to well the drive up and it only got worse when they finally arrived. He had some sort of cold in the summer. On Saturday we went to the pool for awhile and then laid around the house until we got ready to go to our first wedding shower.
Mr. Hunt's family friends, the Butlers threw the first party and they did a great job. There was great food, great people, and actually great weather too. It was extremely hot all day long, but as soon as we were getting ready to leave our house, a huge storm came through and cooled everything off. We got alot of great presents too that we are very excited about.
The next day was Fathers Day. My dad still wasn't feeling too good, but he was feeling better than he was the day before. He sat around all day and watched baseball while Mr. Hunt grilled some ribs. They decided to spend the night again Sunday night and then left on Monday morning.
Dad-Thanks for being the best dad out there. I'm sorry you weren't felling good on "your day" but you looked like you were pretty relaxed. You laid on the couch, read a funny book, ate some yummy ribs and corn, and watched some quality baseball. I would say that's your kind of day (besides the not feeling well of course). You really "battled" through the day. I'm so glad that you were here for fathers day this year too. I love you so very much, and I'm glad to call you my daddy.
Boss Hunt-I really hope you had a good day too. From what I remember, you said you were going to cook some ribs on the grill too. I'm thinking that Harris Teeter made the ribs buy one get one free for fathers day on purpose. Many fathers probably had that. Thank you for always saving me some chocolate when its in the house, or at least saying that you were saving it for me. You know how much I love chocolate. You and be both I think.
Lastly, Boss Hunt also had a birthday on the 22nd. If you ask him how old he turned, he will tell you 26, so we will just say Happy 26th Birthday Boss Hunt. You don't look a day over 26 for sure! Hope you had a great birthday even though you were in training at work all day. The next night at 131 Main for dinner made up for it I hope.
So the celebrations that we have had the past few weeks have been great. There is alot more celebrating to come, we are ready! Happy wedding shower, Fathers Day, and Birthday!
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