1. Mr. Hunt and I got a new grill. My Grammy and Grampy sent us some money to buy one for an early wedding gift. They thought we could use it all summer (which we can). Mr. Hunt LOVES it! He has been grilling everything!
2. Speaking of grilling. We have found out that Hannah LOVES lamb. Her food is lamb, but that's dog food, YUCK! Last night, Mr. Hunt was grilling lamb chops on the grill and Hannah started to freak out. At first, we thought it was the new grill cover hanging over the chair because she was acting scared. It also looked like she was trying to smell something because she had her nose in the air. Once Mr. Hunt took the lamb chops off the grill and onto his plate, Hannah started to cry and run laps around the kitchen table like a crazy dog! He held the plate lower to see if that's what it was, and it was! she almost knocked the plate over. He fed her some, and for the rest of the night, she was licking everything that came in contact with the lamb. She even put her head int he trashcan which she has never done before. She licked the same spot on the floor that Mr. Hunt put the lamb for her for a good 5 minutes and kept going back to see if the taste was still there. That night, Mr. Hunt googled to see if dogs like lamb, and there was a video of another dog doing the same thing over a lamb chop. Running around, barking like it was hurt or something. Iver never seen her like that, but now we know her favorite food. She has expensive taste!

3. Our neighborhood pool opened on Memorial Day weekend. It was been pretty hot here in Charlotte, but I have a nice raft that I float in so that I can still get a tan. Mr. Hunt and I are both burned from this past Saturday. the first burn of the summer is always the worse!

Right now we are watching the movie "True Grit." It was Mr. Hunts pick. Its a Country Western, not as bad as I thought it would be. I wanted to watch "Just go With It," with Adam Sandler. Both movies came out on DVD today, so we flipped a coin. Mr. Hunt won!
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