1. I am thankful for my lunch hour: Mr Hunt came and took me to lunch yesterday! Nothing fancy, just Jimmy John's, but it was very sweet of him. We ate and then sat in the car for the rest of the hour and just goofed off and talked.

2. I am thankful for worn out dogs: Worn out dogs are the best! Usually when they are very tired, they lay on the floor like this and just pant for about 30 minutes. Sometimes they cant even get up for water. Yesterday, they plopped down right here. They were so tired, they could hardly move. Of course, Hannah still wanted to play so she started pawing River in the face over and over. River didn't even care and certainly didn't move. He let her do this for about 5 minutes. After Hannah realized he wasn't going to play, she got up for some water. River laid there for another 15 minutes before he got up.

3. I am thankful for football season: Yesterday was the Carolina Panthers first pre-season game. They lost, but it was still fun to watch. I cant wait to see the Redskins play because they are going to be REALLY good this year. But most of all, I cant wait for Gamecock football!! I hope Mr. Hunt and I can make it to some games this year
4. I am thankful for Mr. Hunt's motivation: After whining about the house needing its weekly vacuum and how I didn't want to do it, Mr. Hunt volunteered! It was amazing, I had to get a picture! This is the first time he has vacuumed in our new house. Actually, this is the first time he has vacuumed with that vacuum because he wasn't sure how to use it (we've had the vacuum for almost a year)! Actually, I don't think I ever recall him vacuuming before! There is a first for everything. I don't think he mined it. I did find myself coaching him through it though. "You missed over here." "You probably need to empty the can because of all the hair." He was a good sport about it though. I love him.

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