When Dylan and Davis were here last, we saw the biggest spider I have ever seen in my life. It was in the cooler that we had for drinks! It was floating around, still alive. I was very creeped out that that big of a spider is near my house! We poured the water from the cooler and he started to crawl away. Dylan's friend squished it...thanks God, but it only gets worse!
Last Friday I was running very late for work. I ran down the steps with my shoes in my hand. Hannah and River ran down after me, and they usually continue to follow me. When I realized Hannah wasn't following, I looked to see what she was doing. She was batting around a HUGE spider in the empty living room. I couldn't see how big it was from where I was standing, but I could tell it was big. She would bat it around with her paws, put it in her mouth, spit it out, and repeat. I yelled at her to stop because I am always afraid there is going to be a poisonous and hurt her. As soon as I yelled she dropped the spider from her mouth, yelped, shook her head, and ran towards me crying. She got bit! I looked over at the spider...it was bigger than the one in the cooler! Now this is the biggest spider I have ever seen! Since I was running very late, I took the shoe in my hand and squished it! I hate even doing that with bugs so I left it on the floor squished all day. I didnt want to squish it, but I didnt want it to roam around the house either.
I called Mr. Hunt on my way to work to tell him that Hannah got bit by the biggest spider I have ever seen. He was disappointed that I didn't take a picture. I'm sorry, but I wasn't going to get close enough to that thing to take a picture. Mr. Hunt told me to look up brown recluse spider when I get to work to see if it was one because they are poisonous.
When I got to work, that was the first thing I did. I looked up poisonous spiders in North Carolina. Only two came up, Brown Recluse and Black Widow. I looked at pictures of both and came to the conclusion that it was neither. PHEWW! The rest of the day I was sick to my stomach and itchy. I kept thinking there was a spider on me.
When I got home, I started packing the car (for the best weekend ever). Mr. Hunt was running late from work, so I was trying to get everything packed up before he got there so that we could just leave when he got home. When I grabbed the golf bag (with the RING in it), something in the corner of the garage caught my eye. When I looked, I realized it was a black widow! I couldn't believe it. If I hadn't looked online that day for the poisonous spiders, I would have never known that was a black widow. To make it worse, she had an egg sack on her nest. I wanted to cry I was go grossed out. I was even talking to myself around the house. I kept checking on the spider to make sure it didn't get away. I needed Mr. Hunt to kill it. Of course his phone was out of batteries so I couldn't even call him to tell him. One of Mr. Hunts friends called me to see what we were doing for the weekend, and I asked him what to do. He didn't believe me that it was a black widow, he thought I was exaggerating. I prove it to him, I told him that it was black, round, and had a red hourglass figure on its back. He still didn't believe me.
When Mr. Hunt finally got home, I told him right away that I had bad news. He sure didn't believe me either. He said I was probably scared because I was looking up the spiders online that day. When he saw it, he freaked! Sure enough, it was a big fat black widow with eggs. I'm getting itchy and uncomfortable thinking about it. Black widows can kill you!
We looked up online how to get rid of the spider and it said to vacuum it up. Are you kidding me? Then what do I do with the container with a black widow in it? The only bug spray we had was for roaches and ants. Mr. Hunt stood far away and sprayed the spider. He sprayed and sprayed and sprayed. She wouldn't die. Right away she crawled onto the sack of eggs to protect it. After he sprayed and she didn't die, Mr. Hunt got a lighter (the long ones for the grill) and lit her on fire. I didn't think this was a good idea, because he just sprayed flammable spray on it. Nothing bad happened, but we did kill her. He did the same thing to the eggs, then squished both (after I got a picture).

I wish I would have put it next to something so you can see how big it is! Its HUGE!
After this, the rest of the day I was even more itchy! I kept thinking...what if I wouldn't have seen it and she laid her eggs or the eggs hatched? What if there are more black widows around my house? What are we going to do?
I can live with the flies and the crickets all day long, but not spiders, and especially NOT black widows.
Bottom line is that I need to get pest control....this has gone to far!
Jennifer- I have 4 words for you...ORTHO BUG-BE-GONE.
We had a trillion spiders and crickets around our yard and house, and even inside the house! I got to the point where I couldn't take it any more. I was killing at least 3 crickets and spiders in the house a day. I was going to call a Pest Control, but instead I went to The Home Depot and got a huge bag of Ortho "Bug-Be-Gone". You spread the granules all over your grass and it kills over 25 types of bugs including spiders!!! The stuff is truly a MIRACLE!!!!!!! I also got the liquid version that you attach to your hose and spray it all over your plants, flowers, trees, etc. and all around the foundation of your house. I should be a spokesperson for this stuff. I am telling you...GO GET IT!!!!!!!
I have been cricket and spider free for an entire month now. I did find two crickets the other night, so my Dad is coming up tomorrow to spray some more of it outside around the foundation.
Here are the links to the products:
AWESOME!!! Thats great! Im going to go get some today! I found another spider and two crickets yesterday. Im ready to be bug free!
THANKS!! xoxox
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