Wow! This is crazy! First of all, this is my 100th post! I love blogging. I cant wait to look back and read everything. This really helps me remember and keep all of my best moments in life together.
The most important news I have for this 100th post is that Mr. Hunt and I are ENGAGED! Can you believe it? I cant! This may be a long post, but I want to share with everyone how the best weekend of my life so far went.
Mr. Hunt was the one who initially suggested going down to Bluffton for the weekend. Little did I know, it was for a specific reason. We packed up and headed down south Friday evening after work. When we got there, it was getting pretty late. We chatted for a little bit, and headed to bed.
Saturday morning the boys (Mr. Hunt, Dylan, and Davis) wanted to play their usual round of golf. I always join so that I can sit in the cart and relax. This time was especially relaxing because it wasn't as hot as the last few times Ive been. It was cloudy and there was a little breeze. When we finished golf, we headed over to a new Mexican Restaurant for lunch. I love Mexican food! We then took a trip over to Wal-mart to buy a new fishing rod and some bait to go shark fishing.

When we got back to my house, the dogs were pooped. My mom and dad had them running around outside all day. We rigged the rest of the poles, and drove the gold cart across the street to the dock off of the May River which connects to the ocean. The boardwalk was the longest boardwalk I have ever been on. It seemed like we walked a mile before we got to the dock. I could just sit all day with a fishing pole in my hand on a dock with a breeze and the best boys in the world to talk to. We were trying to catch the shark as the tide was going out, but I think we were too late. We didn't catch any shark so we turned our attention to the crabs. I cant count how many crabs we caught with the fishing poles, way too many. It was alot of fun trying to scoop them up in the bucket while they were attached to the bait by their claws. I tried and tried to get one in the was hard.

Waking up the crab from his quick slumber
I could do this all day everyday
Getting ready to scoop a crab
As we were hanging out on the dock, there was a huge storm coming. It was actually very pretty to look at. Right when I scooped my first crab in the bucket, it started pouring rain. It was so much fun,running back to the golf cart in the warm rain (remember the boardwalk is very long, so it took awhile).
When we got back home, my dad was getting ready to put steaks on the grill so I hopped in the shower to clean off all the bait and salt water. I found out later that this was when Mr. Hunt asked my dad for my hand in marriage! He said my dad was so excited!
After dinner we were all planning on watching a movie. Mr. Hunt told me that he had a bad headache and that he wanted to go to the store to get some Gatorade. I wasn't too happy about going, because the store is far from my house. He finally convinced me to go with him but I didn't put shoes on and I was in my PJs. As we were driving I was trying to give Mr. Hunt the directions to the store, but he kept making the opposite turns that I was telling him to. I know what you are thinking....did you not think that something was up? No, I didn't, because Mr. Hunt does this in real life. Sometimes he doesn't think I know where I am going (even at my own house) so he goes the way he thinks he should. I started fussing at him because he wasn't listening to me and I had a headache. After about 5 wrong turns, passing 2 gas stations, and him explaining that he wanted to see the "Bluffton Nightlife" before getting the Gatorade, he pulled up to the church that my parents got married in (and where I want to get married). I thought for a second that he was going to make a U-turn but he parked instead. He walked me out to the lawn which over looks the May River and asked me to marry him.
After all of this, I was still in shock. I had NO CLUE this was coming. I have always thought that I would know when it was coming and that I wouldn't be surprised, but I was more than surprised. We both started to get eaten by bugs and I'm pretty sure Mr. Hunt knelt down in an ant pile so I said YES and we headed back home.

When we got back I rushed inside, yelled that I was engaged and started jumping up and down. I thought my dad would have told my mom when we left the house what was going on, but he didn't. It was a total surprise to her and both my brothers. I was still shaking like a leaf and had a permanent smile on my face. I kept looking over at Mr. Hunt and telling myself that this was REAL! We ended up not watching the movie, and talking/celebrating the rest of the night.
You cant see the ring that well. It look a million times better in person. In fact, its perfect!

I couldn't have asked for Mr. Hunt to propose a better way. What he did was absolutely perfect! I knew this day was coming, I am so happy!
I have no idea where to start but I don't care. I am going to enjoy this whole process because this only happens once. I have been waiting for this time with Mr. Hunt and it is here now.
I will soon be Mrs. Hunt!
This blog is about to get so much more interesting. Here's to 100 more posts!