When we woke up I did want to dress Jane in her Easter dress right away because I knew it would be dirty by church, so she went through her Easter basket in her pjs. Last year she wasnt old enough to get it so we just dressed her and gave it to her right before church. I figured next year we could actually hide the basket and she could go try to find it with her dress on.
Ok so here is all the Easter loot. It may look like a lot but really the only thing from Mr. Hunt and I is in the middle basket, everything else is from Grandparents.
Jane got some cards from her grandparents. The cute stuffed bunny is from my parents. My parents also sent her a dress that I wore on Easter. I will make a separate post of those cute pictures. The water guns are from Mr. Hunts parents. I also just poured all the eggs onto the table and put Jane's bunny ears that she picked out at Target there too.
I got Mr. Hunt those mini cadberry eggs. The beaver looking thing is for Hannah.
This is the basket from us.
These baskets are from Mr. Hunts parents. and the balls are for River.
Cutest bunny ever.
I still wanted some pictures of Jane in her dress with her basket so I just put all the eggs in there. I had no idea that Jane was eating when I started taking pictures. haha!
This is a rare family picture.
After church we met up with my cousin and her family for lunch. They live about an hour away so it was nice to see them.

Jane loved her Eater bunny ears but only wanted to wear them like this....
I hope everyone had a great Easter. With all the Easter Bunny fun, we still made sure we told Jane about the real reason we celebrate Easter. We also watched the Veggie Tales DVD that explained it (it was in her Easter Basket).
We are so blessed that God sent his Son to come to this earth only to be tortured, spit on, mocked, and nailed to a cross so that our sins could be forgiven and we could live an everlasting life with Him. Praise be to Him. He lives!
The Hunts
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