For those of you who do not know, Mr. Hunt loves, and I mean LOVES Diet Coke. He decided that was the best thing to give up. I gave up sweets in general. I usually HAVE to have some sort of dessert before bed. Usually cookies, or ice cream. I decided that since I like and eat all sorts of sweets, I needed to give it all up.
At first 40 days and 40 nights didn't sound so long, but let me tell those of you who have never given something up for lent, the times drags on and on. Wow, it was alot harder than I thought.
The worst times for me were obviously after dinner, and then when we would be certain places where people would offer me dessert, like friends houses etc. Mr. Hunt usually drank a Diet Coke for breakfast, instead of your normal coffee, so that was the hardest thing for him.
What was different about Mr. Hunt and I during this time was that I craved sweets so much the entire time. I even had two dreams about eating cookies and being very upset with myself. I also made a list of the sweets that I wanted to eat when it was over. Mr. Hunt on the other hand, craved Diet Coke for maybe the first two weeks, but then he didn't really care about it. He had moved on which was a huge shock!
The two things that I craved the most were Reece's Eggs, and Edy's Thin Mint Ice Cream. I think that I was craving them most because I knew that they were both limited edition and if I didn't get enough, I would have to wait until next year. Heaven forbid! 

On Easter morning, Mr. Hunt brought me a Reece's Egg in bed (kinda like breakfast in bed). I was so happy, I was actually laughing with joy so much that it was hard to eat. Mr. Hunt didn't have a Diet Coke until that afternoon. I'm so proud of him.
Thank you Mom in Law to be for making me an Easter basket FULL of Reece's Eggs. Mr. Hunt said I could eat his too! Ive been enjoying them ever since. Right now I am enjoying two warm chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven as I type. YUM
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