Thursday, April 28, 2011
Ouch Hannah!
Saying Bye Bye to Zeppelin

Friday, April 22, 2011
Home Additions
Here is the new formal living room. I made the two things hanging on the wall. Im not sure how much I like it, but for right now it works. The room looks so much better since it isnt so cramped. I love re-doing rooms!
Surprise Day Off
Usually when you have a day off, you know about it months in advance and you look forward to it. Not this time, I just found out yesterday morning that I didn't have to go in, so I was thinking about all the things I wanted to try to get done today.
I mainly slept in and watched TV, but I did get a few things done which is good. That means a few less things that I have to do this weekend, and more time to spend with Mr. Hunt.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Interesting Discovery
Weekend with Friends
Haydn, Taylor, and I. Not sure why Taylor looks like he has a silver tooth!?
On Sunday, Mr. Hunt and I relaxed, ate healthy, did P90X, and created Mr. Hunt's new "man cave" (pictures to come of that too). OH, and we watched the gamecocks beat the number 1 ranked baseball team (Vandy)! Now we are #2 in the nation! OH, and we watched NASCAR (a Sunday must)!
It was a good, but busy weekend!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
My Personal Monday
Getting in Shape

Monday, April 11, 2011
The Furminator
My Football Fix
I look tired huh and hot huh?
When we got back to Charlotte, we got cleaned up and went to the grocery store to pick some food up for a cookout at the Tate's house. All of the sudden it started hailing golf ball size hail! It was crazy. We were stuck in the grocery store for about 15minutes. Somehow we made it to the Tate's before it started hailing for a second time. I was getting scared because the sky got pitch black and the wind was blowing so hard it felt like the house was shaking. After hailing a third time, it finally cleared up. When Mr. Hunt and I got home, our power was out. Good thing I just cleaned the garage a few weeks earlier or I wouldn't have been able to find the flashlight. The power didn't come back on until 3am, and we talked to our neighbor the next day and they said it had been out since 5pm! Geez!
All in all, it was a good day. We went from being so hot, to hail. Interesting!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Very Bad Day
Mr. Hunt and I
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
My enemy right now.

What does classic even mean?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
I cant see....

or contacts I suppose. I have a pair of glasses now that I got back in high school or college, but I cant really see out of those either. I was told that I just needed to wear them when I'm on the computer (not wearing them now) or when I'm reading. I tried to listen and do that, but I got horrible headaches from it. My eyes would first have to adjust when I put them on to read, and then they would have to adjust again when I took them off to do everything else. I guess my eyes are sensitive because I got headaches every time.
So I stopped wearing them and now I don't even think they are the right prescription. I get headaches alot these days, but I don't think it is just my eyes. I do think that my eyes cause them sometimes like today.
I was on the computer all day yesterday (like everyday at work) and then on the computer all night last night when I was updating this thing (the blog). I woke up with a huge headache this morning and it hasn't gone away yet. Why are you on the computer again you ask after a whole days work? well I'm determined to be a good blogger so I had to update.
I know it is an "eye headache" because the aching is right behind my eyes and when I press on them the pain goes away.
So I will be setting an appointment ASAP. I guess the only way this will work is if I get glasses to wear 24/7 or contacts. We will see I guess. In the meantime I got to go so that I don't have this headache tomorrow too.
My weakness.....Mexican Food!