So ladies and gentlemen, the Gamecocks are now 2010 College Baseball Champions!! I had so much fun watching the games these past few weeks. They got more and more intense as we got closer and closer to the end. When we beat Clemson TWICE I felt like we had already won. But now, it feels even better to really win!

Since the last two games were on "School" nights, we didn't go anywhere to watch the games. Mr. Hunt and I usually go to bed a little after 10pm, but these two games lasted until almost midnight both nights! Mr. Hunt and River were on the couch. I learned that River really likes to watch baseball also.

He sat there on the couch for a very long time and watched the game. They both had no clue I took this picture. They were really into it!
This was the first time University of South Carolina has been National Champs! That is very rewarding and exciting! Now I cant wait for FOOTBALL! (my favorite sport....besides dance of course)
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