Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Our Gamecock football team is NOT doing good this year, and our coach Steve Spurrier just there's that. 

BUT, its Jackson's first football season, so we needed to take some pictures with all of us in our game day gear. 

It can be very difficult to take pictures with the timer these days. 

Hopefully we will be better next year.....who knows! We will always be fans though!


Jane LOVES The Camera

This is probably my fault for sticking the camera in her face SO much since the day she was born. I can't help it and I don't regret it. The pictures I have of her are priceless and Im so glad I have plenty! BUT, now the girl loves to take pictures. She will often pose near something (even a light pole) and say "Mom, take a picture!" 

She also loves when we flip the camera around on the iPhone and she can see herself. She loves to make silly faces!

I have no clue what we were laughing at here....

All of these are priceless, even the ones that are blurry or only have half of her head. I love her!


Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Since its more than half way through October already, let looks at some cute pictures of Jax during September. 

This kid is always smiling!

Tummy time with big sister!

First time in his play nest. He didn't quite get it at first

My little boy....

Bath with sister

love bug

An evening in the backyard

Learning to roll over

Watching football with Daddy

Attempting family photos

those blue eyes!


He loves chewing on the wash cloth during bath time

Everything goes in the mouth, even the train set

My sweet babies

Watching sister bake

Petting Hannah

Playing with Jane

This is his favorite rattle. It used to be Uncle Dylan's

Sweetest kisses

Gosh, they are cute

Gamecock football day

He's growing so fast! Glad I like to take pictures :)


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