So we have a mystery on our hands here in our household. I'm praying that it's nothing major, but I have a feeling we aren't going to find out anytime soon!
So, long story short, little baby Hannah started coughing in the middle of the night last Friday night. At first I thought she was going to be sick, but nothing ever came up! Then I figured there was a blade of grass in her throat that she was trying to cough up since she was outside earlier that evening eating grass. Then she fell back to sleep! A few hours later, she did it again. This time Mr. Hunt looked up on the Internet what was going on and it basically said she had kennel cough. Kennel cough is a doggie illness that spreads at the kennel through the dogs. Most, if not all doggie daycares require that your dog is vaccinated against it, so I thought for sure that wasn't it because she had the vaccination. Well apparently the vaccine doesn't cover all strains of the virus! Then he looked up a video, and yep, that's exactly what she was doing. The website said that there is no medicine for kennel cough and that it just runs it's course and will be gone within 10 days. It also reassured me that it really isn't causing her pain, it's just like a human cough, just annoying. But I felt so bad for her because every time she would cough, she thought she was doing something bad and she would tuck her little tail between her legs and run away from us!

Besides the coughing, she was her normal Hannah. Hyper, loud, crazy, eating, drinking, and pooping Hannah!
Then Saturday night rolled around and she was up 4 or 5 times coughing. I prepared myself for this to go on for at least 10 nights. Well Sunday night nothing, Monday night nothing, Tuesday night nothing! Weird!
Well I know what your thinking, that's good right? Well not really. There were about three other reasons why a dog would be coughing and they were all very bad conditions like heart failure, tracia collapsing, and some others. Kennel cough was the easy way out.
Now I'm really worried it's an underlying thing and it wasn't kennel cough since it only lasted two nights! But we decided that since she doesn't seem sick, and doesn't have anymore symptoms, we aren't taking her to the vet. Hopefully it was a really mild case of kennel cough an it's gone already. Maybe the vaccine worked somewhat?

On another annoyed note, why do we have to vaccinate our dogs for kennel cough if they are going to get it anyway? This doesn't make sense to me at all!
Please pray for that crazy girl!