They day came where Mr. Hunt and I left them at the boarding place. We found a lady in Rock Hill SC. She has a little house behind her house for the dogs. The dogs have an indoor/outdoor crate. River and Hannah were in a crate together. The house was way back in the woods and there was alot of place for them to run around. She told us that the dogs would be let out at least twice a day during the weekend and during the week when she wasn't as busy, she would leave them out pretty much all day.
When we were on the cruise the first few days I couldn't stop thinking about them. I woke up in the middle of the night one of the nights and remembered that I never gave her my telephone number or a contact. What if something happens to them? I would never know until I went to pick them up. Mr. Hunt called his mom and asked her to call the boarding place to check up. She did and emailed us back to say they were doing great! Also, now she had her number in case something happened. For the rest of the trip, I felt alot better about them being there.
The day came for us to go pick them up. I was sad to leave the ship and our vacation, but I was so antsy to see them.
When I saw them for the first time they were so excited, jumping up and trying to reach my face for a kiss.
It was good to hear the lady talk about them because the things she said let me know that she actually spent time with them. She said that Hannah liked to talk and jump on people and that she didn't really want to eat, which is JUST like her. She also said that River LOVED the ball...yep! That's him!
It was hard to drive home, they jumped over the seats twice to come see us. That 30 minute drive home was very long!
They were actually, surprisingly very tired when we got home. They both ran around the house smelling everything and going crazy, but then passed out! 
I was so happy to be back home with them!

I was so happy to be back home with them!