I was thinking last night about all the people that have helped us with our move to our new house. I really appreciate all the help and support. Mr. Hunt and I are very happy and excited!
Thank you Mr. Hunt for putting up with me this past weekend. I know I was on edge since I was trying to get alot done. I love you.
Thank you Mrs. Hunt for helping us find our blinds (she went to EVERY Target surrounding us to find the ones we needed). Thank you also for helping us put them up.
Thank you Mr. Hunt (the real one...Mr. Hunts dad :) that is confusing) for hooking up our washer and dryer (the dryer needed a whole new cord). Thank you for letting us borrow some of your tools and helping us hang the blinds also. Thank you for watching our crazy puppies while we moved on Saturday.
Thank you Michael for driving all the way to Mint Hill with us to pick up our furniture. Thank you for helping Mr. Hunt move it since Rachel and I aren't that strong. Thank you for helping Mr. Hunt mount our TV (I know it was hard but you guys did GREAT)!
Thank you Rachel for letting us know about your moms friend who sold us the furniture. Thank you for driving out to Mint Hill with us also. Thank you for all of your advice.
Thank you Katie for helping me paint the wall so that we could mount the TV. Thank you for helping me hide my painting mistakes :)
I also want to thank Mom, Dad, Dylan, and Davis in advance for their hard work this coming weekend. They don't know it yet but there is alot to do. They will be put to work for sure!
Thanks everyone for all of the congrats and all the people that I forgot. We are grateful to have such good friends and family. We love you!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Moving Weekend
Oh man! This weekend was fun, exciting, tiring, colorful, different, scary, sad, happy, hopeful, and time consuming all in one. Mr. Hunt and I are exhausted! So are the puppies. Here is a recap of the weekend.
Thursday: After work, Mr. Hunt and I went the the Home Depot and got paint and paint supplies. We went to Lowes to order the refrigerator to find out that they didn't have any left at that location. We called the location near our new house and ordered the same refrigerator and got it for a better price. We ate dinner and went to bed. (didn't pack anything).
Friday: woke up and went to the closing. Our appointment was for 10am. we got there on time but didn't get started until 10:30 or so. I was so antsy. We signed papers, got our keys and a bottle of champagne from the attorney left at 11am and headed toward OUR new house. We stopped for a quick lunch, then got HOME. We painted for four hours and only got the kitchen finished. We were so tired. We headed back the the rental home to let the dogs out and pack. We had only pack 4 boxes before this. We packed all night long while watching the NFL draft.
Saturday: We woke up early to try to finish packing and to load up my car and Mr. Hunt's dads truck with smaller things. The movers showed up at 9:45am and they got right to it. We had the dogs in their crates, but Hannah was NOT happy. She kept howling in her crate. Right when I thought I was going to go crazy with them, Mr. Hunt's dad called to offer to watch them for the day. We took that offer right away and Mr. Hunt left while I stayed with the movers. Once we were all moved in at the new house, Mr. Hunt went to get us lunch while I waited for the Direct TV guy and the Lowes guys with our refrigerator. The Direct TV people told me someone would be out between 12 and 4. He showed up right at 4. He was very upset because our address wasn't in the GPS and he got lost. He tried to call us to get directions but they had the wrong phone number. After he ranted about that he got to work. The Lowes people on the other hand were getting pretty annoying. Mr. Hunt called them on the way to get lunch (2pm) and they said they would be there in less than 2 hours. Three hours went by, and still no refrigerator. We had other things to do, but we had to wait on them. We called again and they told us the same thing (2 hours). WHAT?!?! Almost as soon as we got off the phone with them, the movers called us saying they were lost. Turns out that Loews had the wrong phone number too. I don't understand. Finally the Lowes guys and the Direct TV guy left around 7pm. We went to dinner with Michael and Rachel and went straight to bed.
Sunday: We had three main things to get done this day. 1. Paint family room 2. get family room furniture from Rachel's mom's friend 3. Go to rental and get clothes for work on Monday and bring a load back. Mr. Hunt had a great plan to wake up at 7am and paint, eat lunch, got get furniture, and lastly go to the rental. Well that didn't happen. We woke up at 8:45am and started to tape. Once we were finished taping and taking the face plated off all the outlets, we were so tired we couldn't paint. We took a little nap and waited for Mr. Hunt's family to come over to help us with some things. They came around 2pm, we hooked up the dryer and washer, started on the TV mount, and put up some of the blinds. I'm so glad they came over, because getting the little things done really helps out. It was 4pm and we hadn't eaten all day. I was so hungry and we had to hit the road. We ate lunch and drove to Mint hill where we packed my car, Mr. Hunt's dad's van and truck and headed to his parents house for dinner. We had burgers and hot dogs which we very tasty, but I was tired and we still had to go to the rental. When we got home, Mr. Hunt wanted Michael to help him with the TV mount. I could have helped, but I couldn't lift the TV that high (it is heavy). It took them until 10pm to do it, but they did a great job, and we had some pretty good laughs in between. Obviously I didn't make it to the rental.
Monday morning: I woke up extra early to get the to rental and change into work clothes. I am now at work, so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open. I would never change this past weekend though. I am now a homeowner with my best friend in the world. We are very happy and excited for the future. We still have a lot to do around the house, but my parents are coming this weekend so I am going to put another list together.
Thursday: After work, Mr. Hunt and I went the the Home Depot and got paint and paint supplies. We went to Lowes to order the refrigerator to find out that they didn't have any left at that location. We called the location near our new house and ordered the same refrigerator and got it for a better price. We ate dinner and went to bed. (didn't pack anything).
Friday: woke up and went to the closing. Our appointment was for 10am. we got there on time but didn't get started until 10:30 or so. I was so antsy. We signed papers, got our keys and a bottle of champagne from the attorney left at 11am and headed toward OUR new house. We stopped for a quick lunch, then got HOME. We painted for four hours and only got the kitchen finished. We were so tired. We headed back the the rental home to let the dogs out and pack. We had only pack 4 boxes before this. We packed all night long while watching the NFL draft.
Saturday: We woke up early to try to finish packing and to load up my car and Mr. Hunt's dads truck with smaller things. The movers showed up at 9:45am and they got right to it. We had the dogs in their crates, but Hannah was NOT happy. She kept howling in her crate. Right when I thought I was going to go crazy with them, Mr. Hunt's dad called to offer to watch them for the day. We took that offer right away and Mr. Hunt left while I stayed with the movers. Once we were all moved in at the new house, Mr. Hunt went to get us lunch while I waited for the Direct TV guy and the Lowes guys with our refrigerator. The Direct TV people told me someone would be out between 12 and 4. He showed up right at 4. He was very upset because our address wasn't in the GPS and he got lost. He tried to call us to get directions but they had the wrong phone number. After he ranted about that he got to work. The Lowes people on the other hand were getting pretty annoying. Mr. Hunt called them on the way to get lunch (2pm) and they said they would be there in less than 2 hours. Three hours went by, and still no refrigerator. We had other things to do, but we had to wait on them. We called again and they told us the same thing (2 hours). WHAT?!?! Almost as soon as we got off the phone with them, the movers called us saying they were lost. Turns out that Loews had the wrong phone number too. I don't understand. Finally the Lowes guys and the Direct TV guy left around 7pm. We went to dinner with Michael and Rachel and went straight to bed.
Sunday: We had three main things to get done this day. 1. Paint family room 2. get family room furniture from Rachel's mom's friend 3. Go to rental and get clothes for work on Monday and bring a load back. Mr. Hunt had a great plan to wake up at 7am and paint, eat lunch, got get furniture, and lastly go to the rental. Well that didn't happen. We woke up at 8:45am and started to tape. Once we were finished taping and taking the face plated off all the outlets, we were so tired we couldn't paint. We took a little nap and waited for Mr. Hunt's family to come over to help us with some things. They came around 2pm, we hooked up the dryer and washer, started on the TV mount, and put up some of the blinds. I'm so glad they came over, because getting the little things done really helps out. It was 4pm and we hadn't eaten all day. I was so hungry and we had to hit the road. We ate lunch and drove to Mint hill where we packed my car, Mr. Hunt's dad's van and truck and headed to his parents house for dinner. We had burgers and hot dogs which we very tasty, but I was tired and we still had to go to the rental. When we got home, Mr. Hunt wanted Michael to help him with the TV mount. I could have helped, but I couldn't lift the TV that high (it is heavy). It took them until 10pm to do it, but they did a great job, and we had some pretty good laughs in between. Obviously I didn't make it to the rental.
Monday morning: I woke up extra early to get the to rental and change into work clothes. I am now at work, so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open. I would never change this past weekend though. I am now a homeowner with my best friend in the world. We are very happy and excited for the future. We still have a lot to do around the house, but my parents are coming this weekend so I am going to put another list together.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Check Lists
I don't know what it is about me and my check lists, but I always have four or five at a time. I know for sure I get it from my mom. Growing up, we would make fun of my mom for making soooo many notes and lists. There would be notes everywhere. Still when I go home, there are notes all around. Even though we would fuss at her, now I do it. I write everything down, even if I know I will remember it for sure. I make to do lists, grocery lists, wish lists, store lists, and so on.
We are closing on our house on Friday and we are moving on Saturday, and let me just say that there are alot of lists right now. I am going to try to consolidate them, but we still have alot to do and I don't want to forget something. Here is an example of one of the lists.
We are closing on our house on Friday and we are moving on Saturday, and let me just say that there are alot of lists right now. I am going to try to consolidate them, but we still have alot to do and I don't want to forget something. Here is an example of one of the lists.
- Clean out car for move
- find somewhere for the dogs to be Saturday
- Buy paint
- Get fridge
- return blinds that didn't fit the windows
- buy the blinds that did fit the windows
- go to Ikea
- cancel Time Warner Cable
There is alot more, and yes, I had to look at the list just then.
Although we have alot to do, I'm not that stressed. I'm more excited than anything. The lists make me less stressful because I don't have to remember alot, I can just go to my lists!
Friday, April 16, 2010
I chopped my hair off yesterday. I was ready for a change. It hasn't been this short since I was in third grade which was in 1994.
Since my hair is naturally wavy, I normally don't get short layers because when it is wavy, it is poofy. I took a risk and got short hair (or what I think is short) and short layers. I'm curious to see what it looks like when I let it dry naturally.
I love my long hair and I will certainly grow it long again. It seems like everytime I cut it, just a little, I end up hating it and wanting my hair to grow back fast, but I think I like it this time. We will have to see if I can style it like the lady did at the salon. That's always the trick. They always make it look good when you leave, but then when you try to do it yourself, it doesn't look half as good. At least that's how it is for me. Although it is very short to me, the ladies at the salon kept saying "its still considered long." I think they were saying that so I didn't cry or something. She took off at least 4 inches....if not more!

Mr. Hunt loves my long hair and everytime I tell him I am getting a trim, he gets nervous. When I told him I was getting it cut short, he was very sad. Thank goodness he actually loves it. At least that's what he says anyway.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Yucky Mondays
Yesterday evening, Mr. Hunt and I decided to grill steaks for dinner. So we got everything prepped and ready to go, got the dogs, and headed to the backyard. Now let me back up for just a second. As you know, we are moving next weekend to our first home. The house we are in now, we are renting. As part of the rent check, the lawn people are supposed to come once a month. Well, they haven't come since October for some reason. I think the main reason is because we just learned that the house if going up for foreclosure when we leave, so they aren't worrying about the yard. It kind of makes me mad, because we still live there and we are technically paying for it. I know the neighbors HATE it. We would do it ourselves, but we dont have a lawn mower. Anyways, so needless to say, the backyard is like a jungle. When the dogs lay down, half their bodies are covered in tall grass. Now we were only back there for 10-15 minutes at the most because we both like medium rare steaks. We came back in ate dinner and did the dishes.
While Mr. Hunt was doing the dishes, we said something was hurting his armpit. He finally asked me to see what it was and sure enough there was something there. It was a TICK! Thank goodness it wasn't buried in his armpit yet because I could still see his little legs. I ran and got the finger nail polish remover and killed him. Mr. Hunt pulled him off with the tweezers which hurt because he was pulling armpit hairs too. He pulled him off in one piece. In the meantime, I was on the phone with Mr. Hunts mom making sure we did everything to prevent infection. She told us to burn him, so after inspecting him to remember what he looked like, we burned him. As soon as we did that we checked me and the dogs for ticks and we didn't see any.
I was feeling yucky and everything that touched or tickled me, it felt like a tick was on me so I jumped in the bathtub. As I was washing my back I saw one on my side. I started screaming for Mr. Hunt to come get it off. He tried and tried and couldn't get him. He was already buried in my side. He got everything but the head out. It hurt so much. We both were pretty paranoid and worried about disease so we researched it. We found out that the ticks with a white dot on their back are the ones that carry Lyme Disease. The tick that was on Mr. Hunt had a white dot, so we were pretty worried.
This morning we both went to the Urgent Care next to our house (the same one I was just at for stitches). Even though the tick didn't get too far into Mr. Hunt's armpit, we wanted to make sure he was OK since it had a white dot on his back. I went because the head is still in my side.
We went in separate rooms, but came out with the same prescription to fight off Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spider Fever. They let Mr. Hunt go, but gave me two choices. Either she cut my side open to dig the head out, or take the prescriptions, get blood taken, and get another tetanus shot. I opted for the shots and the blood being taken. I didn't want to deal with another bandage or whatever they would have done.
I'm feeling very sick now. Most likely it is from the tetanus shot because that is what the nurse said. She said we shouldn't develop any signs of disease if we take the persecutions.
Oh man.....whats next??
While Mr. Hunt was doing the dishes, we said something was hurting his armpit. He finally asked me to see what it was and sure enough there was something there. It was a TICK! Thank goodness it wasn't buried in his armpit yet because I could still see his little legs. I ran and got the finger nail polish remover and killed him. Mr. Hunt pulled him off with the tweezers which hurt because he was pulling armpit hairs too. He pulled him off in one piece. In the meantime, I was on the phone with Mr. Hunts mom making sure we did everything to prevent infection. She told us to burn him, so after inspecting him to remember what he looked like, we burned him. As soon as we did that we checked me and the dogs for ticks and we didn't see any.
I was feeling yucky and everything that touched or tickled me, it felt like a tick was on me so I jumped in the bathtub. As I was washing my back I saw one on my side. I started screaming for Mr. Hunt to come get it off. He tried and tried and couldn't get him. He was already buried in my side. He got everything but the head out. It hurt so much. We both were pretty paranoid and worried about disease so we researched it. We found out that the ticks with a white dot on their back are the ones that carry Lyme Disease. The tick that was on Mr. Hunt had a white dot, so we were pretty worried.
This morning we both went to the Urgent Care next to our house (the same one I was just at for stitches). Even though the tick didn't get too far into Mr. Hunt's armpit, we wanted to make sure he was OK since it had a white dot on his back. I went because the head is still in my side.
We went in separate rooms, but came out with the same prescription to fight off Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spider Fever. They let Mr. Hunt go, but gave me two choices. Either she cut my side open to dig the head out, or take the prescriptions, get blood taken, and get another tetanus shot. I opted for the shots and the blood being taken. I didn't want to deal with another bandage or whatever they would have done.
I'm feeling very sick now. Most likely it is from the tetanus shot because that is what the nurse said. She said we shouldn't develop any signs of disease if we take the persecutions.
Oh man.....whats next??
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Feeling Better and Getting Closer
Hannah and I are feeling alot better. My finger has pretty much healed. It feels weird being numb, but Ill be fine. Hannah's process was a little more complicated. The vet that we use is 20 minutes away and we have had to make the trip there alot in the past few weeks. Some were appointments and some we emergencies. I would get off work, run home, then run straight to the vet and not get out of there until 7pm or later. I am not going to complain though, because she is finally better (we think).
This past Monday we went for one of her last check ups. They took the stitches out and pulled out her toe nail. The infection in the toe made the toe nail dead. Now she doesn't have a toenail, but it isn't bothering her at all. She doesn't have a cast anymore...YAY! Now all we have to do is make sure she doesn't lick it, spray it with numbing spray twice a day, and clean it with medicated whips twice a day for 7 more days. Thank God. She has been pretty sneaky about licking her paw. She knows she isn't supposed to do it. Sometimes she will see where I am or where Mr. Hunt, then sneak into a different room to go lick it. When we are in the living room, she will sneak behind the couch to lick it. When we catch her licking, she quickly puts her tongue back in her mouth and looks at us like she wasn't doing anything wrong. Its hard to get mad at her because I'm just happy she is almost 100% better.
This past weekend my parents came down from the mountain house for the day to see the house. My mom and brother Davis hadn't seen it yet, and my dad only saw it once when there were no stairs or roof on the house. The house is completely done as far as I can see. The stove and microwave were missing and there were a few things my dad pointed out that should be finished before the closing. It looks so good and we are very excited! I cant wait to move in. I have so many ideas for the rooms and the backyard. We are moving the weekend of April 23rd for sure. Here is out new address.
12833 Settlers Trail Court
Charlotte. NC 28278
Mail us something!
This past Monday we went for one of her last check ups. They took the stitches out and pulled out her toe nail. The infection in the toe made the toe nail dead. Now she doesn't have a toenail, but it isn't bothering her at all. She doesn't have a cast anymore...YAY! Now all we have to do is make sure she doesn't lick it, spray it with numbing spray twice a day, and clean it with medicated whips twice a day for 7 more days. Thank God. She has been pretty sneaky about licking her paw. She knows she isn't supposed to do it. Sometimes she will see where I am or where Mr. Hunt, then sneak into a different room to go lick it. When we are in the living room, she will sneak behind the couch to lick it. When we catch her licking, she quickly puts her tongue back in her mouth and looks at us like she wasn't doing anything wrong. Its hard to get mad at her because I'm just happy she is almost 100% better.
This past weekend my parents came down from the mountain house for the day to see the house. My mom and brother Davis hadn't seen it yet, and my dad only saw it once when there were no stairs or roof on the house. The house is completely done as far as I can see. The stove and microwave were missing and there were a few things my dad pointed out that should be finished before the closing. It looks so good and we are very excited! I cant wait to move in. I have so many ideas for the rooms and the backyard. We are moving the weekend of April 23rd for sure. Here is out new address.
12833 Settlers Trail Court
Charlotte. NC 28278
Mail us something!
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