Miss Hannah sure is a handful, but its been so fun. She got to play all day yesterday while Chris and I were at work and River was in the crate. Our friend Jessica came and got her at 11am and played all day. She has a 1 yr old black lab Gracie and she said they played really well. Hannah isn't scared of anything. She goes after everything no matter how big it is. If something does happen to startle her, shes back in action in a second.
The past few nights we have been putting her in Rivers crate so that she can be potty trained. River sleeps on the floor next to our bed. Hannah would cry and cry. The longest she cried was 2 hours. It was awful. So she has been sleeping now in the crate in the living room so she isn't keeping us up all night.
Long story short, after playing all day and meeting tons of new people, she slept the WHOLE night. I couldn't believe it. I actually woke up at 5 am and was worried that something was wrong with her. I walked out to the living room and she was just sleeping. As soon as I made a noise she woke up and the crying started. oops! But she only cried for maybe 5 minutes so that goes to show how tired she really was. So I guess Chris and I need to wear he out a little more before bed time.
Everything else is going great. She chews alot more than River did and she is still barking some but we are in the process of trying to quit that. She is practically potty trained and I cant believe it, she is only 5 weeks old. (knock on wood) I cant recall her last accident and today during my lunch break she cried at the door.
Needless to say River had his bad moments and good moments, and it seems to me that Hannah is the exact opposite. The rough times we had with River are a breeze with Hannah; and the rough times we are having now with Hannah were a breeze with River. I guess that just means we will be ready for any obstacle if we decided to get another. HA!! don't worry that wont be anytime soon.